Magic Mansion
April 21, 2012
Hey you flamin’ freaks, Art here to give you the rundown on the recent board meeting. Apogaea is less than two months away and its crunch time! Eight (8) of the nine (9) board members, along with seventeen (17) ignition and community members joined in the cozy digs of the Magic Mansion.
Rachel Kelly reminded attendees that the Temple will be hosting its “Spa Day” fundraiser on Sunday, April 28th: Facebook Event.
PRESIDENT, Kingpin, reiterated that work weekend is 6 weeks away! There will be a trip to the land on April 28th, which will help Tammy Norton verify the map details. The map is used for infrastructure and placement, and is slotted to be published on May 15th.
VICE PRESIDENT, April “Glitterati”, has been working on areas for improvement in volunteer and leadership roles to increase communication and consistency for future years. She presented a Ground Control Planning Checklist that she envisions will help new and returning leads keep on task and using best practices. She encouraged Ground Control to share any ideas they’ve put together.
April and Kiki, the Volunteer Gift Coordinator, have labored to organize the volunteer and Ignition swag. At the end of the meeting, Kiki provided an informative presentation of all swag, and expressed satisfaction in coming in under budget. Well done!
Ignition Hoodies
As mentioned in the March board summary, Kemo designed patches for Ignition as well as for individual departments, like DPW, that can be sewn on to hoodies (or any other fabric). Apogaea is paying for the cost of the patches and a portion of the hoodies ($17 max per person). Ignition members have the choice to purchase the hoodie.
Attendees inspected the hoodie samples that April and Kiki brought, and agreed upon a majority favorite to be ordered. Kiki will distribute hoodie order forms to Ignition after Steve sets up another Paypal account for receipts that are separate from the ticket revenue.
TREASURER, Steve M., reviewed the cash flow and bank account. All ticket cash will be collected no later than May 29th, the Last Chance Ticket Sale.
Steve added that our org taxes are being prepared.
Apo Working to Establish Line of Credit for Future Sustainability Continued…
Steve purchased a CD on April 3rd for $92,771 that will mature on Oct. 3rd, 2013. Buying the CD for cash flow protection and establishing credit was agreed upon in the March board summary (Refer to the “Apo to Build a Line of Credit for Future Sustainability” section).
The next steps to secure a line of credit will be to draft a letter signed by the officers, asking the bank to start reporting to the credit bureau.
Gate and ASS Departments Combined
The Board passed the Gate and ASS department’s small budget change request unanimously.
Cash Projection Presented
Steve M. presented a 7-year cash flow projection spreadsheet for the board to anticipate future financial possibilities. This is SUPER EXCITING because it’s the first time in Apo history we have ever seen any cash projection.
Steve M. is creating great tools for our organization to think ahead! Flame on!
Second Trailer for Apo Storage Approved
Quartermaster Dave presented his research findings on a possible second trailer to the board. The issue of storage has been an ongoing discussion, and the board unanimously decided to authorize $5,000 or less for a 2nd trailer inclusive of all costs. Michael Yancy, Capn Ron and QM Dave will pursue the purchase.
SECRETARY, MissAlicious, requested that the January, February and March Board meeting minutes that she put together be ratified, Kingpin motioned the ratification, and it unanimously passed. As you may recall from the January board summary, Missalicous stepped in to the position in January, and has done a great job with her numerous skieeeels!
Check out the past meetings’ Ignition ratification:
March Board Meeting
February Board Meeting
January Board Meeting
December Board Meeting
November Board Meeting
October Board Meeting
ASS – Tom Stack replacing Kamikaze who is voluntarily leaving
ASS Exodus – Grant Strong
BAMF Supervisor – Cory Sutela
BAMF Supervisor – Adam “Dash” Clark
Center Camp Daily Lead – Emily Moe
DPW Exodus Daily Lead – Doc Nedrow
DPW Exodus Daily Lead – MamaKat (Kat Whitsell) replacing Jo Zobjeck who is voluntarily leaving
DPW Work Weekend XXXo – David Pierce
DPW Work Weekend Crew Lead – Jay Tedder
DPW Work Weekend Crew lead – David Wylls
DPW Work Weekend Crew lead – Seth Livingstone
Gate – Dakota Lyons
Gate – Mark Claassen, replacing Rev Jeremy who is voluntarily leaving
Info Booth Daily Leads – Josh Birkmaier, Shandearan Bell, and Rachel Brillante
Leadership Cultivation Lead – ratified Nate Lappegaard
Leave No Trace (used to be called “Greening”) – Rachel Kelly/Tree Girl to replace Dawn Yukas who is leaving voluntarily – PASSED via email 3/31/13
Parking Daily Leads – Mia Mays replacing Martin who is voluntarily leaving
Placement Ops Daily Lead – Jamie Foster
Placement Ops Lead – Peter DeBruyn
Placement XXXo position – Luke Tilsley
RV Daily Lead – Kerry Romaro
RV Daily Lead – Juan Vargas
Volunteer Gifts Assistant –Melissa Smith
Communications Ground Control (currently filled by Koda)
Gate/ASS XXXo position – ratified
Leadership Cultivation Lead – ratified
(2) Parking Daily Leads
Placement Ops Daily Lead – 5 created, ratified 1
Placement XXXo position – ratified
(2) RV daily lead positions – 2 added, 2 ratified
With Kingpin’s prompting, the board confirmed the change process for Ignition:
- Cannot add new Ignition positions without significant justification
- Open positions can be filled
- Current members can be moved around without re-ratification
- BOD liaison is responsible to confirm, via email, that ratified members leaving Ignition are doing so voluntarily
Kingpin led the discussion around this point so that all Ignition members would be clear and on the same page should any issues arise pre-event and during the event that would warrant suspension and even termination.
Current Policy via by-laws (refer to Article IV of the Bylaws):
- Ignition may vote to remove BOD members
- BOD may vote to suspend or remove any Ignition member at any time
Additional policy added by unanimous agreement:
- BOD authorizes Ground Control to give an immediate temporary suspension to an Ignition member within their department for cause. Board Member On Duty or Liaison is required to ratify the decision within 24 hours.
- BOD will rule on removing the suspended member from the membership within 2 weeks of the suspension.
April announced a few events, the location and timing TBD:
- “All Hands Mixer” for all Ignition, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 11th
- Ground Control/Ignition Lead Planning Retreat tentatively scheduled for Sunday, May 12th
Fusion Factory
Denver, CO
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