March 17, 2013
Board Meeting
Fusion Factory, Denver
While green-clad drunken blokes careened through the streets of downtown nearby, all 9 board members, and 28 Ignition and community members joined (oh, soberly of course, but a bright green beard was spotted) on Patty’s Day for the March board meeting to get a bunch of $#%$ discussed, decided and announced! Yeah!
Pyrotechnics in the Future
Jeremy Norton (and Tammy Norton), a licensed pyro-technician, proffered his expertise to incorporate fireworks and other pyro-excitement to enhance the effigy’s awesomeness. Eric M. said insurance specifically excludes pyrotechnics so will cost more if we want to do this. Jeremy and Tammy creatively suggested biodegradable confetti as a fun fire-free option as well. They will be in touch with Sam Ley and start considering the pyro fun for 2014 and beyond.
Concern Regarding the Email Votes by the BOD
Uncle Dave expressed concern about the board’s increase in email votes instead of during the board meetings. It was explained that there were time sensitive votes such as dispersing the art grant funding so that artists could begin their projects immediately rather than waiting for the next board meeting to receive their check.
Kingpin also mentioned that the BOD has been working to create more transparency. All the votes are now visible, whereas in the past they simply happened behind the scenes. Still, the board assured attendees that they are committed to refining the timeline to reduce the email votes in the future.
See secretary report below for email votes announced.
Ignition Ember Reports
Bobalicious suggested that the board requires Ember Reports from Ignition, especially department leads, in order to earn their ticket the following year. It was something that was already voted on but needs to better communicated. It was tabled for to be discussed in more detail later.
PRESIDENT, Kingpin, lit up the screen with his Apogaea Board Meeting Mar 17th 2013 Presentation and reiterated a few key points to keep Ignition on task:
- Pre-registration is currently open until Mar 31st. Only 12 camps had registered, so Kingpin asked everyone to help get the word out to the community. As you probably know, it was later decided to extend the deadline for pre-registration to April 7th.
- Center Camp registration is open until Apr 30th.
- First round of tickets to go on sale Mar 18th; Ignition will receive codes via email for their discount ticket by Mar 18th and be able to buy into May; Ignition tickets are being held for open positions
- Gate Hours are being finalized
While discussing gate hours and daily schedule, Kingpin said the board would need to know if the Temple of Transubstantiation would be scheduling a specific event.
Bastion, our medical lead, broached some vital BAMF scheduling issues should there be a ceremony of some sort on Sunday morning. The topic was tabled because more info was needed from the temple organizers.
Communication is Key for Ignition!
- Kingpin reminded Ignition to check out the communications protocol on the Wiki, and presented a few slides to reiterate the protocol.
- Reach out via email to Ground Control leads, then call if necessary; if no response email the board liaison, then email missioncontrol (BOD) if no response at that point; Ground Control should be communicating directly with the BOD.
VICE PRESIDENT,April “Glitterati” said she had been busy communicating with leads to help create continuity between departments to ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities. She is also working on a checklist for Board Liaisons.
Board Approves ‘scholarship funding’ for attending the annual BM Regional Summit
April “Glitterati” announced that seven (7) Apo members will be attending the BM Regional Summit, and she eagerly added that some will be giving presentations at the event. This topic is a continuation of the discussions in the January and February board meetings, and April again requested that Apogaea provide funding for select attendees.
Guided by questions of value-add for Apo and maximizing community outreach, discussion ensued to define and solidify the criteria of the proposal. A motion was unanimously approved to:
- • Make the ‘scholarship funding’ reimbursement obtainable by all of Ignition
- • Requires attendees do one presentation to the Apo community plus an Ember report, after which time they can receive the reimbursement
- • Reimbursement capped at $300 per person with a total budget of $1,500
TREASURER, Steve M, reviewed the financials and requested approval for a few disbursements. Also, the 2nd round art grant checks will be going out once contracts are received.
Apo to Build a Line of Credit for Future Sustainability!
For the past few months (check out the December Board Meeting Summary), Steve has been working on building a more secure financial future for the Apo organization by researching solutions that would allow Apo to build a line of credit, and possibly investing cash reserve to earn interest for future use. After discussion of course, there were two motions approved that will shift our organization from being in the more ‘reactive’ realm to being proactive and future-minded.
The first motion unanimously approved was to establish a six-month CD with Westerra for all ticket sales revenue minus $25,000. Based on setting up this CD, Westerra would be willing to set up a line of credit with Apo. That led to the approval of the 2nd motion, which was that Apo would, indeed, take out a loan for $20,000 that would be repaid within three months in order to establish the line of credit.
Ignition Under Budget for Spending Plans
Steve gave a shout-out to Ignition because we are currently $304 under budget! He has posted a budget change request form to to Facebook and will send email to Ground Control contacts.
Apo Files for Tax Exemption Status
Steve filed with the State of Colorado to for tax exemption status
SECRETARY, Michele “Miss Alicious” announced the approved motions via email vote to be recorded in the board minutes for posterity.
- Email vote 2.5.13 – approved the motion to disperse the $3,000 Temple art grant for immediate release
- Email vote 2.12.13 – approved the motion to use the new art grant contract format effective immediately
- Email vote 2.22.13 – approved the motion to allow the Treasurer to make an immediate payment to bind Apogaea’s D&O insurance coverage
- Email vote 3.9.13 – motion to approve 2nd Round Art Grants as recommended by the Art Committee
There are still Open Ignition Positions! You can still join Ignition until April 21st
Check out the past meetings’ Ignition ratification:
February Board Meeting
January Board Meeting
December Board Meeting
November Board Meeting
October Board Meeting
Ratify New Ignition Leads
Acculturation Team
- Bobalicious
- Calamitee Meg
- F’n Lee
- Doc
- BRad
- Hot Rod
- Zaphod
Art Curator – Angela Andersen-HHonnecke
ASS Exodus Lead –Davin Snodgrass
ASS Leads
- Charles Sickles
- Kamikazi Kelly
Cat Herder Daily leads
- Aria
- Jessica
Center Camp Daily Leads
- Brandon Chase
- Liese Lemay
- Sara King
- Brian Elroy McKinely
- Michael Moss
- JenWhitesell
Gate Lead
- Vic Webb
- Andy Jalving
- Rev Charles Jeremy
Medical Lead – Diana Chadwick
Parking Daily Leads
- Charles Puma
- Melissa Baker
- Brian Edwards
- Corey Denning
- Ean Snider
- Jeremy Wallen
- Martin d’Ance Beran
- Noah Dodero
Placement Operations
- Tammy Norton
- David Boenig
- Jackie Hoops
RV Placement – Michael Gomez
Temple Team Rep – Doug Drummond
New and Changed Ignition Positions Approved
> Parking XXXo created
> Ranger changes: since the set of shift leads is sufficient, Duney Dan requested that the board remove 2 ignition lead slots and convert these plus 4 full price reserve to 6 half-price reserve tickets to include Ranger leads from BMorg and other Regional events.
> 2 ASS Exodus Leads created
> Fire: removed 6 Fire Lead Ignition slots and issued 6 half price reserved tickets
> DPW: 9 new positions created
Damien’s Team (work weekend) – 5 new positions (swap volunteer ticket codes to Ignition)
Road Dogs/Kemo’s team (closing) – 4 new positions (swap volunteer ticket codes to Ignition)
- Wren Bird
- Collin Dunn
- Kenyon Dellacave
- Dan Daughtry
April “Glitterati” said the SWAG team would finalize these details to be voted on in the April board meeting.
It’s been a point of discussion since the December Board Meeting to change the language of the bylaws. March’s meeting solidified the changes that define the organization’s members more specifically.
The approved motions were as follows:
- Add language to the by-laws Article IV Section 1 specifically naming the corporation membership as “Ignition”
- Remove from Article IV Section 1 Territorial Ambassadors as members of Ignition
- Article IV Section 2 updated as follows: “Functional Lead and Regional Rep terms shall terminate each year on October 31 unless re-ratified following the election of Directors. Functional Leads and Regional Rep shall be required to be ratified by the Directors, with such ratification taking place when and as the Directors deem appropriate.”
- Identify Megan Woodhouse as the BMorg Regional Representative on Ignition
Eric announced that Apo’s current liability insurance does not cover volunteers, and he suggested we purchase a separate policy to be safe, which would cost about $1,500. He is working to get the cost down.
Two motions were unanimously approved to pursue this separate insurance as long as it is no more than $2,000, and additionally to add parking insurance for vehicle needs maxed at $3,400.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Magic Mansion
2267 Holyoke Dr.
Boulder, CO 80305