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Any fire performance or flame effects used on site without registration and approval may be grounds for removal from Apogaea.
Burn Ban Status & Information
Burn Bans may be triggered by weather conditions, local jurisdictional requirements, landowner requests, or any other situation that may warrant a ban. Apogaea Burn Ban status is determined by the Fire Lead, and violators may have their tickets revoked. Ask any BAMF volunteer or Ranger, or check at Info booth to clarify current burn ban status, or email [email protected].
Current Burn Ban Status: LEVEL 1
Burn Status | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 (red flag) |
Propane fire art | Yes (if approved) | Yes (if approved) | No |
Unmodified propane fire pits | Yes | Yes | No |
Liquid fire performance - Conclave | Burn field only with safety watch | Burn field only with safety watch | No |
Smoking in a 3 walled tent or in a car or on burn field | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Smoking on roads | Yes | Yes | No |
Smoking anywhere else (where there is grass) | No | No | No |
Ember producing (wood, paper) fires | No | No | No |
Fire Extinguisher Policies (updated 4/4/23)
Anyone with a generator of ANY TYPE or fire generation on site ( stoves of any types, propane fire pits etc) will be REQUIRED to have a minimum of one fire extinguisher for each group with said items. If this requirement is not met you will have two options to gain entry.
- Head to town and acquire said fire suppression
- Leave it at gate with the understanding that Apogaea and staff will not be in charge of protecting or taking any responsibility for said items.
Permitted and Not Permitted Fires
Apogaea is located in a region of extremely high fire danger. As such, all forms of open burning are not permitted. Please refer to the list below. Enforcement may include ejection from the event, or possible legal action.NEVER PERMITTED
- Tiki torches and candles
- In-ground fires of any kind
- Campfires
- Unauthorized structure/art burns
- Unattended flames of any kind
- Liquid Fueled Flame Effects
Not the bear, not your happy-drunk camp mate who wants to dance, not even the poofer down the road. Generators are the silent killer, lurking in the woods behind your camp, bubbling angrily next to 50 leaky milk jugs full of gasoline. We pay a lot of attention to the obviously dangerous things in our camps – burn barrels, flame effects and other big fires are treated carefully and with respect (thanks!), but generator safety can easily slip since they are “just infrastructure”. If you have a generator, follow these important rules to make sure you don’t become unintentionally engulfed in flames.Generator Guidelines
- Generators should be in good working order – do not repair them with scotch tape or gum or whatever.
- Fuel storage containers should be designed for the purpose, and in good working order.
- Store fuel at least 20′ away from the generator, and away from tents or structures.
- Clear all flammable materials away from the generator area, grass, pillows, furry coats, etc.
- Sound baffles should limit the use of combustible materials, and have sufficient ventilation for both the generator intake, and the exhaust. Do not fully enclose generators – instead of trying to block all the sound, consider just “deflecting” the sound up, or toward unused areas by only baffling two or three sides of the generator. If any part of the baffle is too hot to touch, it isn’t safe!
- You must have an ABC fire extinguisher within clear sight of the generator. Remember that you may not be the person responding to a burning generator! Don’t “hide” your extinguisher inside a vehicle or tent. If a stranger can’t walk up and see it, it is in the wrong place.
- If you have a generator, don’t be surprised if a volunteer swings by to take a gander at it, and don’t be offended if they ask you to make a few changes. They would be sad if you were non-consensually combusted.
Fire Performer Safety, Policies & Information
Safety is the number one aspect of being a fire performer at Apogaea. Fire performers have taken an oath to be courteous of burn bans, to be safe, and to be inclusive. Not only have we taken upon ourselves the safety of every Apogaea citizen, but all of Colorado and her luscious and extensive wildlife.
We’re big kids who love to play – fire is one of our excellent mediums. Participants are encouraged to play as it relieves stress, promotes creativity, community and inclusion, and helps make the event FUN!
Fire Performers do not need to pre-register. However, all Fire Performers must check-in with the Fire Convergence tent at the event, and have their fire props inspected and approved for use at the event.
Scheduled performances and spontaneous fire play are encouraged by anyone who checks into the Convergence tent and is approved and follows fuel dump/safety guidelines throughout the duration of their stay at Apogaea.
As with years past, we will do open conclave for anyone that wants to join. Everyone that wants to spin fire must attend a safety meeting. This is if they want to spin anytime during Apo, conclave or otherwise.
Conclave Fire Performance and Fire Performer Information – 2024
4 Events – Wednesday(6/5) 5pm – 6pm, Thursday (6/6) 5pm-6pm, Friday (6/7) 5:30pm-6:30pm, Saturday(6/8) 5pm-6pm @ Center Camp, Fire Performer Safety Briefing / Conclave Burn Perimeter Volunteer Briefing
This is a required training for all fire performers and fire safeties at Apogaea as well as for any Burn Perimeter volunteers. The first 30 minutes will cover fire performer safety so attendees can receive their performer wristbands and spin fire at Apo! The last 15-30 minutes will cover burn perimeter volunteer training for this year’s Conclave event on Saturday night! If you signed up for a Perimeter shift, you MUST make one of these briefings.
REQUIREMENTS for all Fire Performers:
All fire performers must provide the following items (at a minimum) for themselves for the duration of the event.
- Safety blanket (preferably duvetyn)
- Dip can (empty non used paint can)
- Container for your dip can to catch any spilled fuel
- Spin off cans or chemical gloves to squeeze off excess fuel
- Lids for above items
- Respect and regard for policies
- Please include a fire extinguisher in your kit (just in case)
- A sober safety person
All fire performers must abide by these following procedures for checking props/safety gear in:
- Bring all appropriate safety gear as listed above
- Check props in with convergence for peer review
- Check safety equipment into UFUG (UNIFORM FIRE USE GUIDELINES) workshop
- Take the UFUG workshop at BAMF
- Be respectful of our policies listed below
All fire performers must abide by the following POLICIES for playing with fire at Apogaea:
- Abide by the above requests
- Maintain a clear sober attitude
- Maintain responsibility for yourself
- Agree to maintain responsibility for EVERY other fire performer
- Agree to intervene (or find a ranger if you cannot) if you find a performer being unsafe in any way.
- At the end of your safety workshop you will receive a safety wristband. Please note that you will be REQUIRED to present this at a moment’s notice, if you are spinning fire. The Fire Performance Lead, Apogaea, and anyone who asks expects that you will be able to present your “MULTIPASS” upon request. Wristbands will be distributed by the safety department as well as Fire Convergence.
All of our Safety requirements are based on the old vaudeville Notion of “Safety Third”
- Safety of the audience
- Safety of the venue
- Safety of the performer
IN THAT ORDER! Please be sure you follow any and all requirements and remember, we don’t do this because we hate you we do this because we love Apogaea!
All fire must be extinguished at the request of any ranger or safety personnel. If you fail to comply with fire guidelines or verbal instructions from the Fire Performance lead, rangers or safety personnel, you will not be allowed to light up for the duration of the event.
Fire Art Safety, Policies & Information
Click HERE to view the 2024 FAST Inspections Checklist!
All fire art needs to be approved by BAMF Fire and Safety Team (FAST). You will need to register your art by emailing [email protected] with as much information as possible. Once you are on-site you will need to check in with BAMF at Center Camp for an inspection. FAST inspections will take place throughout the day on Thursday and Friday.
If you will be operated at an unregulated pressure you will have additional requirements. Contact BAMF for more information.
Safety Guidelines for Flame Effects
The only flame effects that may be permitted at Apogaea are Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas) effects; LP-Gas is often commonly referred to as propane. All Flame Effects must be constructed in such a way as to meet or exceed applicable laws, codes and industry standards.
The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) publishes numerous codes and standards for the construction and use of LP-Gas systems, including:
- NFPA 54 – National Fuel Gas Code
- NFPA 58 – Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
- NFPA 160 – Standard for the Use of Flame Effects Before an Audience
NFPA documents are available for viewing and purchase on the NFPA website and should be reviewed by all Flame Effects artists.
Construction of Flame Effects
- All LP-Gas cylinders shall be designed, fabricated, tested, and marked in accordance with the regulations of the US Department of Transportation (DOT) or the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
- All LP-Gas cylinders must have an unexpired certification date stamp and be in good working order. Tanks in poor condition or out of date are a danger to fill and may cause injury to the fuel team, the artists, and/or participants.
- Each LP-Gas flame effect must have a single 1/4-turn shut-off valve as the primary emergency fuel shut-off. When closed, this valve must inhibit all fuel flow to the flame effect, regardless of how many LP-Gas cylinders are connected to the flame effect. This valve must be exposed and visible at all times, and must be clearly marked as the emergency fuel shut-off.
- All components of the fuel system (fittings, piping, valves, connectors, etc.) must be designed and rated for both the type and pressure of fuel being used. The use of improper fittings can lead to leaks and failures in the fuel system resulting in fires and or injury.
- All LP-Gas metallic piping and fittings that will operate at a pressure greater than 125 psi shall be schedule 80 or heavier.
- All LP-Gas Hoses that will be operated in excess of 5 psi shall be designed for a working pressure of at least 350 psi and shall be continuously marked by the manufacturer to indicate its maximum operating pressure and compatibility with LP-Gas.
- Air or pneumatic line is not acceptable as fuel hose. LP-Gas degrades rubber hose not specifically designed for use with that fuel. This results in the hose cracking from the inside out, potentially leading to a catastrophic failure.
- Hose clamps are prohibited on LP-Gas hose at any pressure. All fuel hose connections shall be factory made, or constructed with a crimped fitting specifically designed for that purpose. Hose clamps are well known for cutting and chafing fuel lines or coming loose, possibly leading to catastrophic failure.
- All metallic tubing joints shall use flare fittings. The use of compression fittings or lead soldered fittings are prohibited.
- Accumulators, surge tanks and other pressure vessels in the system shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code or the Department of Transportation (DOT) for the pressure of the gas in use.
- Any welding alteration of pressure vessels, or alteration or fabrication of other system components that hold pressure, must be performed by an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) certified welder, and must be stamped and certified as such.
- If the fuel supply pressure exceeds the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of an accumulator or other pressure vessel, a regulator shall be installed between the fuel supply and the pressure vessel to reduce the pressure below the pressure vessel’s MAOP. A pressure relief valve shall also be installed in the pressure vessel, with a start-to-leak setting at or below the MAOP and a rate of discharge that exceeds the maximum flow rate of the supply container.
- Fuel tanks for stationary flame effects must be protected from vehicle traffic and be well illuminated at night.
- Flame effects should be constructed and sited in such a way that the flame head and/or hot components are at least six inches from the ground surface, to prevent baking or scarring of the ground.
- Any artwork, towers or other structures that incorporate flame effects should be secured from the wind and encircled with an appropriate safety perimeter to prevent injury to participants.
Operation of Flame Effects
Flame Effect Operators
Flame effects operators and assistants must be 21 years of age or older and be trained in the use of fire extinguishers. Operators and assistants must wear fire resistant clothing while operating flame effects.
Personal Responsibility
No carelessness, negligence, or unsafe conditions with flame effects shall be tolerated. Do not drink, take drugs, or smoke when working with flame effects.
Safety Perimeter
An appropriate audience safety perimeter (and performer’s safety zone if applicable) shall be established well in advance of flame effects operation, and must be approved by FAST. Because of the variety of artwork that incorporates flame effects, a member of FAST will help you determine the correct perimeter distance. In any case, a 20′ zone around the flame effects must be kept free of all combustible or flammable materials, and nothing should overhang this zone.
Only people familiar with the safety considerations and hazards involved are permitted to connect/disconnect LP-Gas tanks.
Daily Safety Check
A daily safety check of all flame effect components and connections is mandatory before operation begins. Never start operation of a flame effect until the daily safety check is completed. If a safety hazard is identified either during the safety check or during operation, the Fire Safety Liaison must delay or halt operation until the hazard is corrected.
Operating Guidelines
Never light a flame effect until all performers, safety monitors and participants are in place and ready. Never operate a flame effect in such a way that it poses a danger to people or property.
Attending to Flame Effects
Flame effects must never be left unattended. The winds in the desert are highly variable, and may create havoc in a poorly monitored installation. Any flame effect found running unattended will be shut down. Egregious and/or repeat offenses will result in the confiscation and/or disabling of the effect.
No Smoking or Open Flame
ABSOLUTELY no smoking or open flame within 10 feet any storage area where flammable liquids or fuel gases are stored. All fuel and flammables must be stored in approved containers which must remain closed except when filling or dispensing, or when connected to a system for use.
Material Safety Data Sheets
MSDS for any hazardous chemicals used in the construction or operation of the flame effect must be kept at the installation, so they are available to guide clean-up activities in case of a material spill, and to provide to emergency medical personnel in case of accidental exposure.