All 9 board members and 4 officers were in attendance, plus 9 Ignition members and 15 community members. Total attendance was 34 – Wow! Great job everybody for staying on task and moving the meeting along even though we discussed some controversial topics (ahem, tickets).
The board discussed domain name ownership for the website. The web team is looking for help with keeping content updated, and will be filling an Ignition position called “website content continuity lead.” Simon volunteered for that position; Koda will follow up with him.
Ratify new leads:
CANO (president) stated that one of his goals this year is to build out Ignition so the work can be divided and nobody has to work for the whole event (burning=good, burnout=bad). Also, if we have a longer event we will need more leaders; ideally about 5-8% of participants should be part of team Ignition. That’s 65-100 Ignition members, and we are up to 58 including the newly ratified leads from this board meeting.
The new Ignition members are:
- BAMF daily leads (under Cynthia Van Lingen, On-Site Medical Lead):
Patrick Libra – infrastructure, Charles Sickles – ICS trainer, Aaron Archer – Fire assistant, Wren Siegel – communications, Lynn Strutton – CPR trainer, Corey Sutela – schwag, Aaron Korostyshevsky
- Land lead – Ian Bates
- Center Camp Scheduling/Orphan performance lead – Holly G
- Fire Performer Lead – Adam Kemis
- Parking leads – JP Lubow, Ben Hart, Martin Beran
- DPW DIC of the Day (under Mama Kat, DPW lead)
Damien Budd
Kristopher Hines
- On site sound liaison – Michael Yancey
- Sound camp coordinator – Ishe
- Signs – Erin O’Brien
- Event photographer – Wayne Bronikowski
- Placement Daily lead – Kellie Nedrow
Congratulations, new members! You can find contact information for all Ignition leads on the website.
Art Grant committee:
James and Robert were in attendance, speaking on behalf of the Art Grant Committee and Rev. Tommy Tommy Tommy. The committee had to turn down >$100,000 in requested funding, which was not an easy task. The committee recommended $17,338 in total funding for 16 projects. Dollar amounts for funded grants ranged from $3000 to $400. Art grant applicants will be notified about the status of their grant in the next few days and the list of awarded grants will be announced at the mini town hall during the Community Art Fair on Sunday, February 19th from 2-4 PM. The board unanimously approved the Art Grant Committee’s recommendation. There is about $2000 still available for second round art grants, which are due February 25th.
Mawaige, Mawaige, is wot bwings us togeva today:
Community members Jill and Aaron are getting married at Apogaea. They have requested a small number of day passes for their close family members who are not interested in attending Apogaea but want to come to the wedding. The special day passes will not count toward the total number of attendees, ensuring that wedding guests do not take up tickets that would otherwise be available to the community. The board has agreed to work with the couple to make the wedding happen. Congratulations Jill and Aaron and thanks for including all of us in your wedding plans <3.
There was an exhaustive discussion (about an hour and a half) regarding Apogaea ticket sales. Topics of discussion included what is the most “fair” way to distribute tickets, how to avoid favoritism, ways to maximize the community’s access to tickets, whether funded artists should have access to a presale, how to handle low income tickets, and when tickets will go on sale. After much discussion, the board voted on some proposals and agreed to make an announcement at the Community Art Fair this Sunday, February 19th. Expect an announcement about ticket sales at the mini town hall on Sunday from 2-4 PM at GuildWerks. More information…
The board and Ignition will have a retreat before the event to focus on planning and community building. This retreat will take place May 5-6 at YMCA camp Jackson.
Town Hall dates:
Tentatively set for March 25th in Denver, and April 1st and 15th for Boulder and Colorado Springs (not sure yet which is which). More details will be released when they are available.
Burning Man Regional Representatives and Apogaea Territorial Ambassidors:
The vice president will be the official board liaison for territorial ambassadors and BM regional reps, since these people are all Ignition members. The board voted to give @apogaea.com email addresses to territorial ambassadors but not BM regional reps because, as Facan Lee pointed out, BM regional reps already have @burningman.com email addresses.
The board also decided to draft an email use policy. CANO is in the process of putting together a book of all the Apogaea policies for easy reference.
That’s all I have for now, folks. The really big news will be announced at the Art Fair this weekend, so get your happy asses over there and find out how to help make great Art!
Until next week, Flaming Art is putting out.