Board Meeting Summary 12/11/11

Seven of eight board members and four officers were in attendance, as well as 7 members of Ignition and 11 community members.  Great turnout, and a special thank you to Meg Woodhouse and Ether for hosting the meeting at the Fusion Factory!

A point that came up in the meeting was that not only do the board members volunteer their time, they do not receive free tickets and they are not eligible to apply for art grants.  Thank you, board of directors!  If you want to join this crazy crew of selfless leaders, remember the deadline to apply for the open board position is December 23rd.

Your current board members:

Rob “Cano” Hodges
Guy Mason
Scott “Shutterbug” Stromeier
Scott “Koda” Dudley
April “Glitterati” Menegazzo
Brett Amole
Eric Moutz
Matt Stringer

You can contact the board by emailing [email protected]

Robert Meredith (Secretary)
Rob “Cano” Hodges (President)
Guy Mason (Vice President)
Scott “Shutterbug” Stromeier (Treasurer)

Public comments:

  • Charlie would like to sell coffee at Center Camp next year.  There was discussion of the pros and cons of selling coffee, as well as other needs for Center Camp this year.  Another community member in attendance (Amelia) was interested in the position of Center Camp decorations lead.  Matt Stringer, the board liaison for Center Camp, will be in touch with both of them.
  • James Whiddon proposed an Apogaea art community fair.  A main idea behind the event is to promote cooperation between artists.  This event will be like a trade show or science fair where people display their project plans, ask questions, and develop collaborations.  James was appointed to the Ignition position of Art Outreach lead, with Brett Amole as his board liaison.
  • Agenda:
    1. Officer liability insurance policy– Eric was not in attendance, so this will be done in January.
    2. Budget update – Shutterbug gave an overview of the budget and had a few specific points regarding outstanding items and purchases to be made in January.  The 2012 budget will be approved at the January board meeting.
    3. Communication team update – The official art grant announcement will go out this week but Rev. Tommy Tommy Tommy is doing a great job of promoting the art grant cycle in advance of the official announcement.  The website is currently being updated and the communications team is working on creating an announcement list strictly for Apogaea.
    4. Review Org chart & ratify new leads
      The following new Ignition members were ratified:
      James Whiddon – Art Outreach Lead, Who What When Where, and Survival Guide (way to step up, James!)
      Vic Webb – Gate lead
      Schmid-e – Degreeters lead
      Sharon “Giggles” D’Angelo– Apogaea Accounting Consultant (welcome back!)
      Thank you all for volunteering your precious time and energy!  We need about 20 more like you.
      There are still some Ignition positions available.
    5. Land contract, sheriff meeting update, preparations for permitting – The board would like to have the land contract and permitting in place at the beginning of next year, if possible.  Eric Moutz is the landowner liaison.  Meetings with the sheriff and the landowner will occur early next year.
    6. Logistics – Discussion of bank signatories, PO box and storage keys, official Apogaea address, center camp tent repairs approved.


  • Additional items:  The meeting ended a bit early, so the floor was opened up for additional discussion.
    1. There was a review of the board officers’ retreat in November.  During that meeting, it was decided that there will be no “overages” approved for art grant recipients and a conflict of interest document was reviewed and signed by all board members.
      At the November retreat, the board also spent several hours reviewing a novel ideas outline.  This is a document carried over from year-to-year that includes many ideas that have been proposed by the board and the community.
    2. There was additional discussion about work weekend and early entry, including questions about how work weekend will be handled this year and how many people will be granted early entry.
    3. Chelsea brought up some concerns about the greeting and entry process at the event and there was some discussion how it can be improved.