Ticket codes CANNOT be used after the 11:59 p.m., April 30 deadline.
If you have received a code for an Apogaea ticket because you have committed to volunteer (YAY!), or have received a code through the TAP program, you MUST use the code before 11:59 p.m. MST on Saturday, April 30. HINT: There are still volunteer slots available!
If you do not use your ticket code by this deadline, your ticket will be thrown into the OMG Sale on May 7 @ Noon MST, when anyone has a chance to buy any tickets that were not used.
If you are a department lead that still hasn’t distributed all of your ticket codes to entice volunteers to join your very special cause, DO IT NOW! Now is the time to incentivize and incentivize hard.
Don’t have a Guaranteed Ticket code yet??
Contact a department below NOW to find out how you can help!
Parking is a MISSION CRITICAL department! Volunteer with the Parking Badgers RIGHT NOW to ensure Apogaea participants can enter and park safely and orderly. Contact [email protected]
Placement & Sound has full-price, directed tickets available RIGHT NOW for those who can work several shifts doing the following:
- Placement > Placement Regular – Work with the placement team during the day at the entrance and busy intersections meeting new people as they arrive, helping them find camping, and keeping vehicles moving. Contact [email protected]
- Placement > Sound Regular – Work with the sound team during the night listening to music around the event, measuring levels, and informing the sound lead on duty of any related issues. Contact [email protected]
A.S.S., GATE, DPW, and other Departments: These departments may also still have direct ticket codes available. Please see the specific department’s page here for contact info.
Be a good sport and sign up in the Volunteer Database, especially if you already have a ticket!