October 2014 Board Meeting Summary

Apo Board Meeting 19Oct14


How we roll

Public comments –

  • Bobalicious – meeting location possibility.
  • Discussion about use of money in a 501c3 and tax consequences.
  • Decomp – issues with DanceSafe – they are non-profit and advertising their biz. Bob will send follow-up email to missioncontrol.

President’s report

  • Lots of turnover and challenges lately. We need volunteers! Kellie formally resigned.
  • Discussion on event date. Poll results were 62 people preferred the 3rd-7th, 64 people liked the 10th-14th, 35 people said either date would be fine. Too close to make determination from the poll. All meeting attendees who wanted to voice their opinion did so. Most people there were in favor of the later date. Motion to change date of event to June 10th-14th – passed.
  • Park county event permit process – we are considered the “good kids” because have lots of systems in place and take care of ourselves. Big impact of other events affects us. Our event had 3 ambulance rides, none of which were paid by the patient. We aren’t technically liable, but it could impact our permit and how they insist we work with outside medical. We could be required to hire an on-site ambulance. We will be considering paying part of it as apo to continue not being a burden on park county.
  • We want to have a new retreat – Ground Control retreat – here at Impact Hub on Nov 8, 10am-6pm.
  • Discussion on meeting space – why we spent $750 for this space for today and Ground retreat (plus food for that retreat) – now in a position where we need a good meeting space. Open to ideas for meetings Nov and forward. Marriot in Westminster has a meeting room for guests and can rent a room for $100. Backcountry Pizza in Boulder?
  • Motion to create new role and put Eric M in that role – Land Relationship Mentor – passed.
  • Nic – motion to create BAMF mentor position for Cyn to pass on her institutional knowledge – passed.
  • Nic – going to reorganize – medical, fire, radios, and rangers
  • Nic – motion to create ICS lead – discussion around structure. Tabling the motion for now.
  • Nic – motion to create BAMF social coordinator. Measure “emotional quotient” of the team, monitor our social capital, create team-building exercises, help with retention. Person would be – Aaron “Dr. Scotch”
  • Jason – motion to create internal communications and collaboration lead.

Vice President’s report

  • Theme – Synchronicity. Ticket contest is open now.
  • Bylaw change – roll off date

Secretary’s Report –

  • Approved sept meeting minutes.
  • We passed motion to spend $750 – Impact Hub for today and Nov 8 ($500) plus $250 for food for retreat.
  • Brian – motion to Change roll-off date in 2015 from Oct 31 to Oct 1.

Tim Collins treasurer report

Ratifications –

  • There were lots
  • Volunteer recruitment and retention –discussion and toss outs of ideas – shwag, appreciation, ticket discounts (need volunteer lead), culture of positivity, dividing larger roles into multiple more manageable roles, paid position(s), more discretionary funds to big leads, commissary and lounge (plans to expand with Bobo’s hotseats), some discretion around freebies given to leads for folks that don’t end up in system, showers, make it personal – a ceremony around giving shwag, department specific shwag, special bracelets for some “super volunteer”, people like laminates
  • Budget – reviewed Retreat comments, there was a past motion to give 10% to charity – start that again, community space, help pay for art in community, buy land, how much buffer in the bank for unexpected expenses, office space, paid staff (flipside has 3). Last year net income after expenses of $81K

Comments from group –

  • Streamline budget process for leads (purchasing process is top priority for
    finance committee), stories of what didn’t work last year, create a role of a purchaser that can coordinate joint resources (like trucks), only one person in charge of reimbursements, BAMF needs to buy their own supplies, build community year-round – what investments can help us do that?
  • How we maximize telemetry – Twister recognized the Communications team as really kicking butt. Gretchen was sick and couldn’t attend, but she was watching the live stream and she had written a document for all of the departments about how to best utilize the help of telemetry.

Out of time. Tabled remainder of agenda. Meeting ended.