Shortly after the 2014 theme, “Emergence,” was voted on by Ignition and announced, the ticket design contest began. The theme drives the basic concept of the design and then artists work their magic. Besides the reward of having the design go down in history to represent that particular year, the winner receives a free ticket to Apo!
This year’s ticket design winner was actually the collaborative work of two artists!
Congrats to Julie Stenger and Yana Nightingale!
I asked the ladies what inspired this particular design and why they chose to do this together:
Julie had an idea for a ticket concept and enlisted my help. Having successfully collaborated in the past on the ‘10 principles’ banners featured in Center Camp at Apogaea 2013, we got to work early on the ticket design contest.
Julie provided the beautiful background art that so perfectly captures the spirit of the theme, “Emergence”. I added the text and my goal was to render it so it looked like “Emergence” was “pulling itself from another plane of existence into our own”.