
December 2012 Board Meeting Summary

Dec. 16, 2012
Magic Mansion, Boulder


Well folks, the world didn’t end, but the last board meeting of 2012 did occur! This is an end of a year, but ends always are beginnings, right? Who knows what awesome things 2013 will bring, but we inch one month closer to Apogaea 2013: Alchemy.

ATTENDEES: The Magic Mansion was chock-full of every board member, including the four officers, and seventeen (17) ignition and community members.

You can imagine the board and ignition members are busy keeping in tune with the timeline to-do’s and filling open ignition positions that will help fulfill the tasks necessary for the event to happen. There has been an electrifying surge of discussion about how Apo can give back to all its volunteers who work year-round and at the event (many aficionados do both!).

Looking back at the past few months, you may have noticed some sa-weet ‘happenings’. The dates for 2013 have been set to June 5-9th (notice the extra day added!?), the largest grant funding in our history has been allotted for art projects in 2013 and the grant cycle has opened for artists to apply, the ticket design contest has begun, ignition has grown and positions are being filled, and the board has been developing new policies that will continue to improve transparency and efficiency.


Treasurer, Steve Merager, quickly ran through a few small transactions needing approval from the board for payment.

Since there is now a new budget (and reimbursement) policy, he also reminded the board to have their respective event leads complete their budgets AKA Spending Plans by the end of January. Steve offered to meet with any leads to help get their spending plans set up.

As was requested by the board, Steve looked into Apo getting a line of credit for future possible cash flow cushioning. Currently, we have no credit line as an organization and Brown Paper Tickets doesn’t pay most of the ticket income until after the event. Steve is still researching.

Bobalicious asked if Apo has considered managing ticket sales independently, which Matt Stringer said is being researched and will be considered into the future. As Kingpin pointed out, using Brown Paper Tickets is a safe option because they hold money until after the event to refund in case Apo is cancelled for any reason.


The board met on Dec. 1, 2012 for over 8 hours, and spoke about: the nature of the event (who we are, what we are doing, our philosophy as a BM regional etc.); processes and best practices; ignition roles and bylaws; temple logistics which are still TBD; and what the board wants to leave for future boards.

Other Discussion Items
The board discussed milestones that must be met before Apo would be in a position to offer financial assistance to other community projects.

What’s emerging from the recent ongoing discussion of defining ignition roles is the idea that our Regional BM reps could have a tent or dedicated area at Apo educating and reminding the community, especially newbies, about the BM principles and how Apogaea is unique from events like Sonic Bloom.  It will continue to be vital that the BM principles thrive, blossoming and being creatively expressed by our community into the future.

‘Nuff of the discussion, the board did definitively decide on some important stuffs!
• Dates of June 5-9, 2013 were set
• The board agreed upon a whopping $30,000 for the art committee to award for art grants
• Tuesday, June 4, 2013, will be limited early entry (for example, registered volunteers with shifts in our online volunteer database qualify — a specific list of those who qualify for early entry to be posted at a later date)
• The base ticket price will now be $100 with an increased target of 1600 people.
• Work weekend is still the Saturday and Sunday a week prior to the event.

• Board Liaison Changes
Matt Stringer took on temple and art grants. Given his experience, Sean Silko is now board liaison for center camp and performances.

• Bylaws Clarified – Email resolutions
Starting in December, the board will now only make resolutions via email in the case of an emergency, which will be defined as an action or approval that requires a vote within 72 hours. In this case, the board can take a majority vote on email. The Secretary announces it to Ignition, and it becomes official only once the resolution is announced.

The idea is to make sure Ignition is aware of decisions and that there is an opportunity for push-back from Ignition members for the sake of accountability.


October Board Meeting Ratifications
November Board Meeting Ratifications

Ratifications Approved

Art committee members:

  • Bree Maxwell
  • Erin O’Brien
  • Heidi Neubauer
  • Jackie Bowser
  • James Whiddon (lead, non-voting)
  • Jennifer Dale (Secretary, non-voting)
  • John Collins
  • Josh Gilsan
  • Kathryn Palmer
  • Laurie Miranda
  • Mike Lustig
  • Rachel Cain
  • Robert Meredith
  • Sam Liman
  • Yana Nightingale

Charitable Works Lead – Jonathon “AC” Paige
Fire Shin — Patrick “Peach” Walsh
Fire Shin Assistant — Cameron “Cammy” Setbacken
Ice Lead – Lee “Fa Can Lee” Hughs
Leave No Trace Lead (previously named “Greening Lead”) — Dawn Ruckus
Photography Lead — Yana Nightingale
Placement Operations Lead — John Collins
Gate Lead (and ASS) – Guy “Guywire” Mason

Rangers Shift Leads:

  • Robyn “Lavynder / Chyral” Broyden
  • Trevor “Stonebeard” Stone
  • Ronica “Double-R / Ironica” Roth
  • Kim Istry
  • Michol “Vertigo” Ba
  • Caroline “Caroshine/Monkey Shoes” Kert
  • Jason “Syncopate” Dunkley

Sound Camp Liaison — Christopher Brian
Ticket / Wristband Lead — Elizabeth Collins
Theme Camp Registration – Michelle “MissAlicious” Mendenbauer

New Ignition Position

Steve Merager motioned to create a new ignition position called Historian Lead, which was approved, and the position will be posted (for the sake of transparency, all open positions are posted).  There is a ton of potential for this position to capture those sweet details… the stories, photos, discoveries and adventures of the community!

Position Withdrawn (Sexual Boundaries/Safety)

As discussed in the November board meeting, a possible new Ignition position for sexual boundaries / safety was researched. Duney Dan had proposed it, and after attending the first “SLAP” (Sex Offense Awareness) meeting, he proposed that the new Ignition position be withdrawn. The group decided they would like to be a theme camp instead of a part of the Apogaea organization. They will raise money to educate and raise sexual boundary awareness at Apogaea.


Duney Dan brought to the board two requests from Fire and Medical leads:

• Do not take their radios at the event
• If police show up, there is functional lead to act as liaison and deal directly with the police.

Land Contract

Eric Moutz mentioned the land contract for the event location is in progress. They will be walking the property to assess what will be used, including a possible new parking area. This would be awesome given the increase anticipated for 2013.

Kingpin will ask board members to send email acknowledging that they have read the land contract.

Trailer / Storage

Effigy and General Storage
The tabled topic on effigy/temple storage from the November board meeting resurfaced. Dave Robson, our trusty Quarter Master, spoke to the fact that there is no additional storage space for the 2013 temple. Art Committee Lead, James Whiddon, reassured attendees that extra storage is not currently necessary, as the temple contract states that the temple artist is responsible for storage if not burned, not Apogaea.

There is a need to nail down a long-term plan for storage in general, but no pressing need this year to purchase storage. Michael Yancy will continue to seek out affordable trailer options.

Ice Storage
Michael Yancy and Julie Stenger researched ice storage possibilities. In the eyes of the health department, ice is the equivalent to food when it comes to storage, sale, and distribution to the general public.  Ice that is going to be sold for consumption needs to be stored at least 6 inches above the ground, not on the ground.   Solutions were tossed about, namely renting or buying a refrigerated trailer, buying storage containers or renting palate sized plastic containers (order from ice company). The new Ice Lead will continue to research best options.


Sunday, January 20th
Fusion Factory
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Voted to move to 2pm for Ranger Training per Duney Dan’s request
