
Two year board position available

Attention Apogaeans!

Are you interested in becoming more involved in Apogaea?  Do you love the event and have ideas on how it could be improved?  Do you have strong leadership abilities and a passion for the local burner community?  Read on, because Apogaea wants YOU!

This is a call for applications for a two-year board member position (through September, 2013). One of our board members had to leave their position early for personal reasons and we are now looking to fill that spot. The deadline for this application is Friday, December 23rd.  Applications will be reviewed in early January and voting will be held at the January 8th board meeting.  All applicants are encouraged to attend the December 11th and January 8th board meetings (time and location will be announced shortly).


If you are interested in applying for the two-year position, send an e-mail with the following information to:

[email protected]






1. Why are you interested in being a part of the Apogaea Board of Directors?

2. What is your initial vision for what you would like to accomplish on the board?

3. List any previous volunteer experience, including experiences with Burning Man
or regional events:

4. List any accomplishments you have that exhibit strong leadership skills:

5. Can you commit to working through the completion of Apogaea?

6. Can you commit to attending at least one monthly meeting?

7. Have you previously attended an Apogaea board meeting?

8. Can you commit to answering board related email in a timely fashion?

9. Can you commit to working at least two mandated volunteer shifts at the event?

10. Can you commit to reading and providing input to online discussions?

11. Can you commit to keeping discussions and decisions of the board confidential?




Additional information:


  • Passion and ideas about creating a community and event centered on the Burning Man principles.
  • Business or event experience preferred.
  • Varying backgrounds. It would be ideal to get individuals who come from different backgrounds. Boards are most successful when they have people who bring different things to the table, e.g. attorneys, accountants, event organizers, insurance people, artists, computer jocks, musicians.
  • Ability to play well with others.


  • 2 year term (through September 2013). Must be able to commit to fulfill a full term in his/her position.
  • One meeting a month (second Sunday of every month). More meetings as event approaches.
  • Respond to board emails in a timely manner.
  • At least two gate shifts during the event.
  • Oversee numerous shift lead volunteers and support their successful contributions to the organization
  • Further time as needed to fulfill duties and ensure a smooth and fulfilling event.
  • Board Members are distinct from officer positions. While it is preferable that the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are Board Members, it is not required and elections for these positions will be held at a future time.


  • Immediacy: Call people to resolve conflict (rather than emailing or posting)
  • Radical Inclusion:
  • Assume Best Motives
  • When in Doubt, Call
  • No Gossiping
  • Meet for Fun
  • Participate Fully
  • Leave No Trace–of your conflict