
Theme Me, Design Me, Dance with Me

Announcing the theme for 2011 Apogaea… Illuminate il·lu·mi·nate /v. ɪˈlumə,neɪt; adj., n. ɪˈlumənɪt, -,neɪt/ [v. ih-loo-muh-neyt; adj., n. ih-loo-muh-nit, -neyt] verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing, adjective, noun –verb (used with object) 1. to supply or brighten with light; light up. 2. to make lucid or clear; throw light on (a subject). 3. to decorate with lights, as […]

Open Board Meeting Tomorrow–December 12

To maintain a community that cultivates interest in and pursuit of art, music, and artistic expression As a BM regional event, we operate under the 10 principles and as a LNT event. The main topic of the meeting will be setting the 2011 budget. _____________________________________________ Location Details: The Magic Mansion in Boulder 2267 Holyoke Dr. […]