
Important Apo 2020 update!!!

Dear Apogaea Community & Friends,

We’re sure, like us, you have been reading plenty of cancellation notices recently, and we imagine you might be wondering if our beloved Apo will happen this year. We’ve been monitoring the news closely, and we’re in communication with and are watching how other regionals are handling it. Some are proceeding conditionally, at least a couple have cancelled. We’re actively engaging with the Las Animas County officials and other key stakeholders as we evaluate our options.

We remain cautiously optimistic that we can proceed, and we know a lot can happen in the next 12 weeks. We’re also looking carefully at our options, and we urge everyone to appreciate that we may have to cancel.

If you are a lead, are creating art, or are considering making gifts, we suggest mitigating cancellation risk in ways that seem prudent for you. Perhaps consider gifts that are not irrevocably attached to the dates for this event since doubtless there will be another Apogaea someday (maybe even later in 2020!)

Thank you for your patience, engagement and support – and stay healthy!

– Apo Board of Directors