
Start Your Creative Engines: Apogaea BIG MONEY GRANT ROUND opens December 15th!

Apogaea artists, we here at CATS wanted to remind all of your lovely, talented, creative selves that the 2018 BIG MONEY GRANT ROUND will open on December 15th and close at midnight on January 15th. The BIG MONEY GRANT ROUND is for projects requesting at least $600 of funding. As part of this round, we are soliciting applications for Effigy and Temple projects. We can’t wait to see what incredible plans you have this year!

We are still working out how much we will have available for grants, and the ceiling, but wanted to get you thinking about your projects and grants.

Not sure how to write a grant or what we fund? Check out the CATS Manifesto here: (add link to manifesto)

Smaller grant awards for up to $599 will be considered in the Seed Money Round, which opens on February 12th.