Congratulations to Erik and Scott and may the force be with you.
25 people voted
88% said yes to Erik
52% said yes to Scott
Since there were less candidates than positions each candidate required a minimum of 1 vote to win.
Write candidates were:
Larry Harvey
Apo Bear
Devorah Matkowsky
A few words from our new board members:
Hello Board, officers and ignition,
Thanks fro allowing me a chance to make an impact on the tribe of people who belong to Apogaea, and a chance to assist us all in making our dreams for thee event to blossom and grow. If anyone has any questions for me, or has something they think would be of help in helping you in making our society a better and more effective place, let me know. My door is always open.
I have been an Apogaea Board member before, I attend Burning Man each year, and love to help people get their dreams done. I look forward to working together with all of you to build a better event. – Shutterbug
I hope to contribute to Apogea’s long-term sustainability and heath by bringing my experience with managing big projects to my passion for empowering Apogea’s community. I was introduced to the big burn in August 2012 with not enough time to pull together a trip in a few weeks, but I knew immediately I would be there in 2013 and have not missed one since. This year was my 4th Apo, and I hope to contribute by helping bring the principles not just to the annual event but to the community throughout the year. Originally from Maryland, I work from my home office in Boulder for a global translation services company, but I want to help make the art and music happen. – Erik Vogt