Before we announce who’s going to be ARTING at Apo 2016 we want to thank THE FUCKING UNICORNS for their girthy donation in the amount of $5,000.69 which they raised at their recent epic party and donated to our art budget this year. Upon their funds consensually penetrating our bank account we immediately raised the total grant budget to $10,600.
We did consider re-naming this grant round the Unicorn Round but hey we’re Apo and naming rights isn’t really a thing we do (unless you want a porta-potty, we’ll happily sell naming rights to the potties).
But in all seriousness we are extremely grateful to the Unicorns for all of their love of art, CATS, moist-ness, moist-cats, and helping Apo get back on our paws, I mean feet.
HUG (or dry hump) A UNICORN TODAY!
In semi-alphabetical order, so calm your titties we’re not playing favorites. Also note we’re only including as much info about a project as the artist elected to provide for the announcement, as there’s something to be said for surprises.
Volunteer with current art projects!
Animal Farm
The Answer
Bright Bees
Crystalline Obelisks
The Disco Mannequin
Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion
The Ring Of Existential Reflection
Funky Forest Friends
Hin Han: Guardian of the Milky Way
Moist Rabbit Coffee Kiosks
Inflatable Ducky Cart
Dome of Infinite Chaos
The Ocean
Shack to Hell-U-Ride
That Which is Most Beautiful (TWIMBY)
Returning granted projects from 2015
The Temple of Resonance
Thor Art Car
Through the Logic Glass
Truffula Tree Hammock Oasis
Transdimensional Eggtivation Portal
The Speleobox
Church of Prometheus
Jedi Fire Simon
Colossal Head
Syzygy: The Library Angel
The Kindling Project
The Thing
Burning’ to the Beat
Camp Conviviality Live Music Stage
Camp Lonerville
Grubstation: The Intergalactic Chuckwagon Returns
Just Waiting on Ewe: Eating Ewe Out! (Concessions)
Just Waiting on Ewe: Electric Ewes (Light up Sheep Lawn Decorations)
Just Waiting on Ewe: Somewhere to Put Ewe’r Butt! (Playatech Seating)
Late Nite Price is Right
Screaming J’s
Super Animatron
The Illumine by the Arty Boys
The Octopussy
The Unusually Large Kaleidoscope
Wardobe MalFUNKtion Kumfort and Transport
You Are Here
Animal Farm – $599
Artists: Derek Beasley, Chelsea Stubbs, Pai Quan, Veronica Rivard, Caitlin Morris, Joshua Birkmaier, Panda Hickman, and many many more members of the Apo community!!
About: Animal Farm is a massive fire sculpture garden comprised of numerous steel sculptures including the collection of work by the Gammaspace Artist Collective. This garden will include Arcus Hymenoptera, G.U.S., Hin-Han: Guardian of the Milky Way, The Crystalline Obelisks, The Animal Farm sign, and more! This garden will provide the setting and artwork for the collaborative village.
The Answer – $42
Artist: Greg Schmid
Bright Bees – $200
Artists: Pollen Nation – Mitch Giraffe, Scott Butin, Miss Egypt
About: Pollen Nation, fresh off two successful years at Burning Man, is coming to Apogaea! Swing by our buzz bar for some refreshing nectar, or craft your own bee costume. Our Bright Bees, new for Apo, will be lighting your way!
Crystalline Obelisks – $599
Artist: Joshua Birkmaier, Caitlin Morris
About: Low-polygon is a popular style of graphic art that we would like to apply to the 3rd dimension. These two low-polygon towers would mimic the crystalline structure of Fluorite’s cube. These sculptures will be internally lit and cracks in the cube structure will be designed into the pieces to allow light to shine through adding color and interest to the sculptures. This new piece would represent the re-cristalization of our community and add even more exciting ambience to the Animal Farm village. Through, pressure, time, dispersion, re-amalgamation, and moisture, we can form a new structure, we can re-crystalize.
da Vinci’s Oculus (the imagination awake) – $377
Artist: Drake Scott
About: After you visit our camp, you’ll leave having created something unique and special (visual art, music, movement, writing…) as well as having gained a better love for and understanding of the creative process. If you don’t think you can or just don’t know how to begin, we not only welcome you, but encourage you to come! We offer practical guidance to help get you started and also have several fun and interactive seminars that dive deeper into various aspects of the creative process and self discovery. Use these skills to help create something magical and even apply them to your daily life.
The Disco Mannequin – $437
Artists: Jules Pellerin- Mademoiselle Velvet Hammer, your maven of MalFUNKtion (Grantee of record for Disco Mannequin), Robert Meredith (Grantee of record for Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion), Dan Zahner, Erica Schafer, Kelly “Skeptic Fletcher”, Matthieu Lafontaine, Jessica Jenesaisquoi
About: Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion is excited to be unleashing our new granted art centerpiece to enhance the experience of our new concept of a nighttime sound camp at Apogaea 2016. This will be along with our usumilkal costume offerings and ongoing runway show during the day. Artist Robert Meredith, the creative genius behind Apostar Galactica and Dan Zahner robotic mastermind and creator of “The Thing,” are working together to fabricate a showpiece centered around artist Erica Schafers “Disco Mannequin.” This exciting new piece will be the focal point to grace our nighttime dance floor and inspire Apogeans to get their costumed grove on. Get ready to boogie down at the sound camp creation of DJ Lafountain. Be sure to dress your expressive best and show us your moves and groves on our dance floor! Wardrobe MalFUNKtion is grateful for the support of Apogaea as well as the community support in our fundraising efforts. “We take it off, so you can get it on!”
Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion – $369
Artists: Jules Pellerin- Mademoiselle Velvet Hammer(your maven of MalFUNKtion), Kelly “Skeptic Fletcher”, Matthieu Lafontaine, Jessica Jenesaisquoi, Jonathan Owens “Mr America”, Lite House, Princess Stephanie, Kiji Kiji, Kristina Tripp-Pinki Kinki, Deb with Theatrical Costumes etc, Johnny Delirious, Marshmallow, Prince Applesauce, Slinky, Twister, EZ, Caution, Adam Reiss, Patty Cakes, Tonya, Peteo, Pamela and Craig and crew, Samalam, Chelsea and Dimity, Pamela Simpson, Anastacia Vigil Dadashpour, Kimberley “sugarfly-shimmy”, Phishnet, Inna, Fantastic Frei, Burnin Mike, Michelle Renee, Kiki, Element, Lava Nava, Cyndi Moon, Lisa Toyne, Bryan Pope, Nick aka Holy Hot Mess, Nuclea Waste (Guest starring), Mayat, Craig, Koko Koture, Dunkin Disorderly, Seth, Banjo, Logan Tierney, Jenny DiLuzio, Allison Caster, Cj “City Under Siege” Pellerin, Mateio, Shenanigan, Orlando Burn, Sirr Duke, Jay Ro, Gunter Berlin and Mrs Poodle Berlin, Krazy Kate, The lovely ladies and gents of Pearl’s Treat Burlesque!, and a bunch of other people named Brulee Fondante
About: Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion is an experimental free fashion station. Visit our skilled wardrobe engineers and fashion technicians for an innovative and creative new look, and then take a saunter down our runway. This year for Apogaea we are excited to bring our huge inventory reduction, markdown, discount, closeout, door-buster, rebate, clearance, 100% off savings sale! Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion will also be featuring our Slappy Hour Burlesque show, fashion police and our 24 hour Komfort Station. Much gratitude to the Apogaea community for your support of our project.
Funky Forest Friends – $599
Artists: Nathan Irish / Roman Landon
About: 3 Giant costumes approximately 10′ tall, which include; a giant Jelly fish with light up tentacles, a giant mushroom with light up head, and old up tree man with glowing leaves.
We have been building large scale costumes that have a platform feet, they stand on average about 10′ tall. The plan is to take these out at night when it cools down and parade across apo, to blow peoples minds, and set them up different places when we are not in them to,,,, blow peoples minds!
The Ring of Existential Reflection– $599
Artist: Dan Singer
About: Peace, love, unity and respect before the dreamweaver. Through the cosmic interaction of subatomic chakras, reality’s own passion intertwines with your own and ennobles perspiration the likes of which The Universe has never previously realized. Realize the power deep within: Wheels.
Hin-Han: Guardian of the Milky Way – $599
Artists: Joshua Birkmaier, Caitlin Morris, Misty Powell
About: This large scale propane burning owl sculpture called Hin-Han will be included in the Animal Farm art installation at Apogaea 2016 to guard our garden of spirit animals and dark, otherworldly creatures and performances. Hin-Han is a stoic and ageless spirit who’s dark and looming presences will signify the impending chaos held within Animal Farm’s garden.
Moist Rabbit Coffee Kiosks – $300
Build Crew: WonderLounge Architects
Inflatable Ducky Cart – $599
Artist: Benigno
DIC. DOME OF INFINITE CHAOS – $300 – [withdrawn]
DIC. Dome of Infinite Chaos was awarded a grant but withdrew before receiving funds.
Artists: Tina Siegfried, Jonathan Nickerson & Camp Chaotic Love
The Ocean – $300
Artist: Missy Fisher
Shack To-Hell-U-Ride – $599
Artists: Jamie Vaida & Alvin Sessions.
Interior decor and lighting by: Chris Myers & Erin Ries
About: The Shack-To-Hell-U-Ride is an artistic interpretation of a Colorado Miners cabin that is on fire (built on the chassis of a chopped-down 1989 Ford Transporter van). This mutant vehicle has been safely modified to have a dynamically flaming roof. The Shack is made out of found objects, wood and artifacts from the mining era in Telluride, Colorado. The interior space resembles a miners cabin complete with a wrought iron bed, a vintage parlor wood stove, and a vintage 1920s icebox for chilling beverages. Our goal is to inspire people to recycle, learn about the mining era history and enjoy the warmth of the “shack”. The special effects on this one-of-a-kind shack include a burning roof (literally)!
Guests will be able to interact with the fire element to make the “chimney” poof by pushing the button from inside the shack. The shack is being brought to Apogaea by the Telluride Fire Festival, a nonprofit fire arts event produced annually by Erin & Chris.
Speleotower! – $599
Artist: Ian Bates
That Which Is Most Beautiful: A Community Labyrinth – $250
Designer/Directors: Erica Schafer, Stephen DeNorscia & Randy Fisher
Artists: Very many!!
About: That Which Is Most Beautiful: A Community Labyrinth (nicknamed “TWIMBY”) is a community-painted, blacklight-reactive, 3-circuit labyrinth with an original soundscape of evocative global grooves, musical treasures from community musicians and blessings from global wisdom keepers. The 60-foot diameter, 7-foot tall labyrinth has been created by over 140 participants of all ages sewing and painting nearly 100 muslin wall canvases and over 200 prayer flags. At Apo, TWIMBY & Friends will be hosting their signature musical painting pARTy to paint the prayer flags that will fly above the labyrinth throughout our event.
The Temple of Resonance – $599
Artist: Paulo Wellman
Thor Art Car – $599 [withdrawn]
Artist: Eric Collins
Thor Art Car was awarded a grant but withdrew before receiving funds.
Through the Logic Glass – $599
Artists: Eek Maus / Eric Kingsbury
Build Crew: The Card Soldiers (EK, DK, AC, LB)
About:: Immerse yourself in a quirky art-and-mind experience by walking Through the Logic Glass. Through the Logic Glass is an installation inspired by both traditional Alice in Wonderland artwork by John Tenniel and Lewis Carroll’s logic puzzles (he was a mathematician and played a lot with symbolic logic). On the exterior of the installation are painted art panels in a primitivist style. The interior has two entrances and two chambers (one, a normal chamber and the other a wonderland chamber) separated by (you guessed it) a mirror. In one chamber, it’s the wonderful world of Alice, and in the other, the strange world of wonderland. Move from one to the next by solving a whimsical logic puzzle or two. Fun for all.
[email protected] (accepting donations via paypal)
Truffula Tree Hammock Oasis – $599
Build Crew: Truffula Tramps Build Crew under Capt. CidKid
About: Walking into the Apogaea valley the eyes behold a sea of glowing fluffy trees. On approach the ears hear soft ambient soundscapes. The grass is lush and comfortable where seating seems to grow straight from the ground. The trees are out of this world; black horizontal jagged stripes atop slender stalks of an off-white yellow, with tuffs of pastel cotton floating atop like dandelion spores—all alive with sound and light and wonder! The trees are straight from the pages of Dr. Seuss and a strange orange creature, the Lorax, passes out tasty truffula treats; compostable straws with cotton candy fluffs.
Stretched between the trees are relaxing hammocks swaying in the breeze and basking in the shade of the large colorful truffs. Nestled in the trees, water misters spray a refreshing MOISTure into the area, providing an oasis away from hot days complete with a an interactive sound and light show at night. Whenever you and your guests catch the Lorax sleeping in the trees, he’ll provide you with compostable candy treats. (Check the WWWW for detailed times and days on interactive events).
At night, the trees come alive! The ground is safely lit with rope lights marking obstacles and the installations area. The trees provide ambient light and the 100 LED programmable pixels dance and swirl inside the truffs. The trees are thick and sturdy, they beg to be touched and hugged. The stripes are soft, almost plush, when you grab one, the Truffula Tree laughs and giggles with light and sound. The stripes are switches, and each one plays a different sound with corresponding color, multiplexed for endless combinations!
With your lover or best friend in hand, you both reach for a tree to play and sing with the colorful Damanhur forest of Truffula trees. When you do, you multiplex one tree into many and the more connections between trees the more light and color and sound! Bring the whole forest alive with a group of friends as you each touch a tree and each other, completing the electric circuit…of life, love, and all trees give us. Upon leaving the magical space the reminders are clear, UNLESS. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” As an added bonus to the theme of the installation, the build team is donating $100 per tree to Rainforest land conservation.
Transdimensional Eggtivation Portal – $273
Artist: Mike Lustig
About: Do you spirit-science hard? Have you ever wanted to be a chicken and lay a human, or be laid by a human who is also a chicken? If you answer yes to ALL of those questions, prepare to lift the veil of poultreality by entering the Transdimensional Eggtivation Portal.
Returning granted projects from 2015

Temple of Resonance
Temple of resonance is a three-dimensional mandala installation. The primary components of the Mandela are five Tibetan inspired bell towers. The largest and central tower measures in at 13 ft and is surrounded by four 10-foot tall towers of the same design. Each bell will be made from recycled gas containers and will create piece of a five part major chord when played together. In between each 10 foot tower there will be corner shaped communal bench. Providing a place for connection, contemplation and laughter. Surrounding all of this will be twelve 2-foot tall pagodas placed in a ring defining the perimeter of the temple Mandela.
The Speleobox
The SpeleoBox is a cave simulator. It is an 8 foot wooden cube with and entrance and an exit. Between is 120 feet of twisting turning linear passageway. Participants crawl in through the entrance and work their way through to the exit. In between they will encounter turns and twists that they need to squeeze and squirm through.
Church of Prometheus
Prometheus is the Greek god who stole fire from Mt. Olympus and brought it down to humanity. For this, he was punished by Zeus by being chained to a mountainside for eternity. The fire he gave us also represents life’s intensity: creativity, passion, soul. As Burners, these are all things we “worship.” This installation will create a place to worship–a full-blown church of Prometheus, though somewhat of a caricature.
Jedi Fire Simon
Jedi Fire Simon (JFS) is a twist on the electronic interactive Simon game from 1978. JFS will be identical to the original game, where a player has to repeat a series of button presses determined at random by the device. Much like the original, the JFS device will have four colored (or illuminated) buttons. Each button will produce a corresponding individualized tone, color, and fire when pressed. Fire will come from one of 4-1” discharge cannons located in the corners of the game play field. Additionally, fire will come from a fifth fire cannon, 2” discharge, located above the game control board will produce a massive (+70’) flame effect when a player successfully completes a set number of turns or rounds.
Colossal Head
The ‘Colossal Head’ project is an interactive art installation piece that can be enjoyed by any and all people. It utilizes a live video camera feed and projection mapping onto a giant facade of a blank face. Participants approach an area in front of the Colossal Head and stand, finding the correct spot that suits their head size and shape, and their face is projected onto the Colossal Head. The image of the face will be processed, using video hardware and software to create a live, enhanced, real-time show of the participants face. Participants will be encouraged to make faces and ‘face dance’ to enhance the viewing experience. Since the participants will have a clear view of the head, which will be positioned in front of them, they will enjoy interacting with the piece.
Syzygy: The Library Angel
Join us throughout the week to sit on the Angel’s books, gaze at the Angels’ wings as they flutter in the wind, contemplate the mystery and beauty of curiosity and discovery, and feel the magic of Syzygy. When you feel inspired, share your passion by writing in Syzygy’s journals or get your questions answered by adopting a book from the free library.
The Kindling Project
As seen at Burning Man 2015 and Denver Decomp 2015, the Kindling Project is a infinite mirror concept the creates the illusion of complex equilateral triangles floating above a bottomless pit that is boring in the ground at a 55 degree angle.
The Thing
The Thing is a fully articulated skeletal robotic hand, about 7’ long, crafted from clear polycarbonate and aluminum using our new Shopbot! The sculpture will be mounted on a 36” square, six wheel robot chassis and easily have the ability to pull a cart or “chariot” with one or two drivers. This project is being designed and built by members of the Boulder High robotics team, with a senior design student lead for independent study credit. The students will be mentored on the mechanics/construction by Janet Tsai from the CU Dept of Engineering, (and myself) and on the control system by programming guru Bill Coon. The THING will use an android tablet for both tele-operated and autonomous control, and will have a menu of pre-programed functions. The most basic will be to create the illusion of it crawling along at the blistering speed of about 7′ per minute.
War on Peace (the race formerly know as the Apo Death Race)
This is one race you do NOT want to lose. A race against death. You must speed your Big Wheel down the length of the course, grab a weapon and eliminate your competition before they eliminate YOU. The only way to survive is to WIN!
Burnin’ to the Beat
This project is a pair of Ruben’s tubes (6 and 8 feet), and is a classic physics experiment to visualize sound waves which drive the rise and fall of flames along a perforated gas tube. The gas flow changes as the sound pressure inside the tube changes, rewarding the viewer with fiery sine waves when a tone is played, or complex fiery wave forms of constructive and destructive interference when music is played. In other words, we see the fire dance to the music.

Camp Conviviality Live Music Stage
We will be presenting live music by an amazing array of performers from early afternoon till 8:00 PM Thursday and Friday, noon-5pm on Saturday. We will be providing a Stage, PA and Monitors, Mics, Stage Lighting and a club atmosphere. We are providing musicians with a camp and meals in return for their participation as solo artists, bands and jams. We will host an official Happy Hour event on Friday with food and drink.
Camp LonerVille
Camp LonerVille is the physical manifestation of an audio project that strives to express: being alone is a shared experience and unconditional love for other simply because they exist. At the end of the trail, a beautician’s chair wrapped in warm white lights will sit. There will be headphones attached to the inside of the bulby hair drying extension with a cd player securely attached to the right arm of the chair. With a click of the play button on the CD player, the sound of someone’s soothing voice will surround you with words of affirmation and love. There are people on this earth who don’t know you who appreciate and care about you as an individual. Apogaea is a space for many curious wanderers who deserve a reminder that they are unconditionally loved.
Grubstation – The Intergalactic Chuckwagon Returns
After a year under windy blue skies, billowing bbq smoke and blowing snow, the tarp resembled a giant hula skirt waving into the sunset. Underneath though the intergalactic chuckwagon is rearing to get back to the mountains and return as Grubstation ~ we’re gonna cook up grub daily! All the silly and always interactive times (show hate camp how to hate u-huh) we had last year as the time travelers convention, showed the most important thing is having others participate in our schemes.
Just Waiting on Ewe: Eating Ewe Out! (Concessions)
Just Waiting on Ewe movie camp has shown everything from cult favorites to “What the hell did I just watch?!?” from dark-ish to dead-ish for the last four years. We show a diverse selection of movies that will cater to a significant portion of Apogaea’s event population. These grant funds will be used to provide popcorn and candy. Serving tasty treats goes hand and hand with movies and would help make our theater ultra realistic. It is also nice to have a snack when you’re wandering around late at night.
Just Waiting on Ewe: Electric Ewes (Light up Sheep Lawn Decorations)
Just Waiting on Ewe movie camp has shown everything from cult favorites to “What the hell did I just watch?!?” from dark-ish to dead-ish for the last four years. We show a diverse selection of movies that will cater to a significant portion of Apogaea’s event population. These funds will be use to build 3 sheep that will be lit up at night to welcome people into the theater area. The sheep will live in a 30′ x 5′ fenced in pen in front of our camp. Participants will be encouraged to have fun with the sheep in a responsible manner.
Just Waiting on Ewe: Somewhere to Put Ewe’r Butt! (Playatech Seating)
Just Waiting on Ewe movie camp has shown everything from cult favorites to “What the hell did I just watch?!?” from dark-ish to dead-ish for the last four years. We show a diverse selection of movies that will cater to a significant portion of Apogaea’s event population. These grant funds will be used to create additional seating for the theater. We would like to build a minimum of two seats.
Late Nite Price is Right
Get off on our fabulous prizes as we bring much needed consumerist exuberance to Apogaea! Building upon Bob Barker’s long obsession with genitalia, we will adapt game show challenges to adult themes, pushing community participants to leave their comfort zones behind.
Screaming J’s
Put on your dancing shoes, Apogaea! We’re joining forces with Camp Conviviality and the Shangri La La Lounge and we’re on a mission to bring you as much boogie as you can handle! The Screaming Js are a good-for-the-soul boogie woogie piano band out of Asheville. We are a 3-piece acoustic band – upright piano, string bass and percussion – and are very adaptable in terms of location and volume. We travel with a collapsible stage set – backdrop, proscenium and LED lighting. We plan on playing most (if not all) days and/or nights at Camp Conviviality & the Shangri La La Lounge, and wherever else spontaneous opportunity offers. We hope to perform a show at Center Camp.
Super Animatron
Super Animatron is a computer controlled array of individually addressable cells of color changing LED light. Using a custom host PC application to design and play animations, SA sends animation data at 60 frames per second to a series of Arduino UNO embedded microcontrollers, which then generate 12-bit dimming data for each individual LED. Additionally SA uses a microphone and digital signal processing algorithms to allow sound to interact with and influence the animations in real-time.
The Illumine by the Arty Boys
Our project is titled “illumine” which means to “light up.” This is a simple explanation for what it does. We are creating a set of lights that can be suspended over a dark walkway or trail. The illumine will detect a persons motion and light up with moving patterns that spin and invoke the illusion of water or flames. Depending on our fundraising efforts we hope to construct at least 2 (but hopefully more) to illuminate an otherwise dark part of Apogaea.
The Octopussy
The Octopussy is a medium size stationary mutant vehicle that will explore the depths of time and space. A radically internally illuminated octopus/cat hybrid creature, the Octopussy, is perched on top of a Geo Metro that has been decorated to appear as a rock in the interstellar ocean. The Octopussy has ears and nose like a cat, and eyes and tentacles like an octopus. The entire structure is covered in white projection grade spandex and internally illuminated by strips of multicolor LEDs connected to a sound reactive controller. This gives the Octopussy the ability to change color and pattern on the fly, much like her octopus brethren. Lighting up the night sky, she will bring joy and wonder to all who lay eyes upon her. In addition, this underwater lounge will have interior blue rope lighting and large plush seating (3-6 people, depending on how snuggly they want to get) and comes complete with a treasure chest!
The Unusually Large Kaleidoscope
Do you remember looking into a kaleidoscope as a kid, the way that the magic of refraction turned simple translucent shapes into complex tessellated patterns of awesomeness?! Ladies and Gentlemen, we bring you the Unusually Large Kaleidoscope, a simple yet giant machine built on the same principles but in an epic scale. Whereas the kaleidoscope of the old days was a solitary toy, we have designed this Unusually Large one to be played with cooperatively. While multiple people can peer into the Unusually Large Peephole at the same time, still other participants control the spinning end of the Kaleidoscope; interactive fun for everyone!
Wardrobe MalFUNKtion KumFort and Transport
This will be Camp Wardrobe MalFUNKtion’s 5th year of costuming Apogaea!! Our camp members are hard at work raising funds to replace/improve several key part of our infrastructure, including new staging, signage, safety measures, and of course, purchasing costumes and supplies! We are asking CATS to help with these specific costs for Apogaea 2015: New and Improved KumFort Station structure with signage and lighting, Gas money for camp transport to and from the festival, and Trailer rental to bring all the costumes and camp infrastructure to Apo.
WonderLounge will bring you a very burner twisted Wonderland (i.e. Alice in…). We intend to titillate you and fuck with all of your senses (in the most pleasant of ways, of course). Enter through the Looking Glass (i.e. a giant ornate frame) and you’ll immediately find yourself “down” the Rabbit Hole. When you emerge, you’ll find yourself in Wonderland where you may play flamingo croquet on our 24-hour LED lit course. When the Mad Hatter’s Bar is open, receive a cup of tea (dependent on the event, adult beverages or actual tea, including herbal). As you glance about, notice our fancifully and colorfully decorated house where Alice grows and you too can simulate growing too large.
You Are Here
You Are Here is a three-dimensional sign spelling out those words. The words will be topped by a downward pointing arrow as you might see on a map. It serves as a sculptural spectacle; it emanates changing, glowing, strobing, colorful light at night. It also serves as a reference point and landmark. We hope that our sign may serve as a place to meet up with friends, or something to guide participants toward in the dark nights. Our sign will orient Apogaea participants in space, time, and appreciation. We hope that our sign will serve both as a landmark in physical space, and also as a reminder of how important it is to appreciate the present moment.