We need your help finding Medical and Fire leads. Whether or not we can get these departments staffed will make or break our event.
The keepers of our – and our land’s – well being are affectionately called “BAMF.” If you or anyone you know has medical or fire-fighting experience, especially in leadership roles, please get in touch with us today at[email protected].
Apogaea was cancelled last year due to land issues, and right now the future of this year’s event lays in the hands of BAMF volunteers. We are asking you to rally NOW to help us find Medical, ICS and Fire Safety leads.
Without these key leaders, it will be impossible to find enough volunteers to staff these departments. And without these vital departments, there is a much narrower chance to throw an event this year.
With Medical and Fire leads on board, finding and training daily leads, shift leads and volunteers will be much easier. We are still looking for EMTs, RNs, ICU nurses, physicians, wildland and structural fire fighters and enthusiastic amateurs to fulfill our medical and fire teams.
Find out more about these two priority positions or apply below:
BAMF, or Bureau of Apogaea Medical and Fire, is the in-house on-site safety team. They do so many things that we never think about:
BAMF treats minor injuries to prevent them from becoming serious health hazards.
BAMF renders serious aid when that is called for, and helps in getting even more serious stuff into the right hands.
BAMF saw approximately 170 patients in 2014.
BAMF monitors burn events and makes sure there is no danger of a fire getting out of control.
BAMF put out a generator fire in 2013 with a response time that would make your head spin.
BAMF are a bunch of Badass M-F’ers!
You can see how vital these departments are. Please, if you love Apogaea and want to see it succeed, do anything in your power to help us get these positions filled. Help us turn these smoldering embers into a raging fire yet again!!