
Art Fair 2015 photos(Denver and Boulder)

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We Heart Art: Tenticles, Fire, Mandalas, and Synchronicity Abound!

As anticipation rises for Apogaea Synchronicity, brace yourselves for moar sound reactive, flame-throwing, water manipulating, mind boggling interactive art. The largest amount to date, Apogaea graciously granted $55,000 this year.  A mere drop in the bucket, but significant seed for what’s to come.

Many burner-licious bodies made it out for the 2015 CATS Art Fair at Gammaspace, Denver on February 28th and 303 Vodka, Boulder April 25th.  Artists exposed their ambitious project plans and juicy new details. These innovating teams have been beavering away to conjure and construct the art of their dreams. We captured a snapshot of what is in the works from the artists that appeared: some teaser shots of teams and models, tasty tidbits, and links to connect you to their projects.  Many want YOU now… help build, fund, party, and participate long before the gate to Apogaea opens.

Temple of Resonance

Temple Temple of Resonance is a 3D Tibetan Mandala garden. With four hanging bells in sound reactive towers, you are part of the experience. Paulo Wellman is leading the project. Support the Temple here. or connect with the Temple build team here.


Octopussy1 A sound reactive, stereo-sensational, 14 foot wide Octopussy (Octopuss-Cat). Camp Attachment Unavailable will be the home of Octopussy co-nested with Loading Bar, whose tongue-in-cheek name is a suggestion as to what flavor of sass will be served to keep you boogieing all night. For more information visit their Indiegogo campaign.

Apo Death Race

DeathRace From the creators of The Hippie Hunger Games, Stevolution, Commodore Ron and Randy bring you… *drum roll please* …The Apo Death Race! What is that you ask? Well, imagine a combination of big wheels, weapons, a maze-like battle field and a fight to the death. Send forth your bravest gladiators to compete!


That Which is Most Beautiful (TWIMBY)

TWIMBY TWIMBY is a beautiful, interactive, evocative, collaborative hand-painted labyrinth filled with words of wisdom from Shamans around the world. This reflective space creates a place for us to take a breath and appreciate that which is most beautiful. For more information visit their Facebook page.


Church of Prometheus

Prometheus Prometheus, the ancient Greek god of fire, will make his return this year. Having grown stronger in his absence to emerge with two 8 foot metal hands which will shoot flames from his fingertips. The Church of Prometheus will host its own sound stage, fire spinning shows and soul erecting events. For more information visit their Facebook page.

Hin-Han: Guardian of the Milky Way

HinHan Plasma cut bike plates (similar to those fabricated for the sculpture), fabulous feather wares and a steel inspiration sculpture for the large and looming owl drew attention.  The massive gleaming owl will be poised mid flight at the gate to Animal Farm, with wings curved inward to help reflect the flame effect’s “heat and create a haven where Apogaeans can congregate in the glow of his warmth.” See all of the latest photos of Caitlin and Joshua’s sculpture on their Facebook page.

WelDid Crew: Animal Farm

Animal Farm A massive thanks to the Gammaspace and WelDid crew for hosting the Denver Apogaea Art Fair. For more information on Gammaspace here.

Members of the WelDid Crew were on site sharing plans for the new projects.  “Animal Farm is a dystopian sculpture garden consisting of improved past metal & flame concoctions,   along with a new creation, by the WelDid Crew. The Animals have risen against their Pig overlords, destruction and chaos reigned, and thankfully the Animals have saved some of their creations from the Pigs malicious destruction. These Animals now perform, dance, and celebrate around the last of their cultural icons they fought to preserve, magnifying the spirit to survive, to thrive.”  Follow as a flurry of flame effect art cars and sculptures evolve: G.U.S., Ultima Materia, Arcus Hymenoptera.

Camp Wardrobe Malfunktion

Malfunktion CWMF revealed their 5th annual Apo-A-Go-Go Slappy Hour Burlesque Show and Talent Review!  They are currently recruiting fashion police and scouting for talent.  (IM Miss Velvet Hammer – Julie Pellerin)

CWMF is “an experimental free fashion station” where wardrobe engineers innovate new looks for you to sashay on their runway. Special 100% off sales everyday, so be sure to snatch up that special mankini, wedding dress, or romper you’ve been desiring.

Support all of their Apogaean pageantry, parades, and playful panache simply by cleaning out your closets for any costumes, accessories and clothing items in clean condition that you no longer need. “Bring something wonderful to make someone’s day, or outfit that person new to Apogaea. We will be accepting donations all weekend.”

Also be sure to check out their deliciously naughty fundraiser shows throughout the year.

Impromptu Poetry

Poet Impromptu poetry, generated by a thought and perhaps a read on your expression.  And they’re off… his fingers erupt in an arrhythmia of clacks across his vintage typewriter.  His words streaming through like a morse code, embellishing the blank parchment with prose expressed uniquely for you.  He left many in the room in a state of wonderment and appreciation.  We were all glowing while hoping to see him at Apogaea this year.  He currently lives out of state.  No word on if he has obtained a ticket yet.  Adam, all the same we are glad you came.

Adam sends out daily poems from his website. Just click on the button that says CLICK, fill out the form and voila!

Members of C.A.T.S. were present gifting patches and answering questions. The winners of the “Big Money” round were announced.  Details on the awarded grant proposals are listed here.  Seed Round details to be posted soon, but here is an overview.

Thank you C.A.T.S. for all of your intensive studying of art proposals, difficult decision making, and detailed feedback.

Also gratuitous gratitude to all of the artists and community support making it happen!  Can’t wait to lay our eyes on your creations and play with you.