
Call-out for Apo Sticker Designs!

Greetings Apogaeans from the Volunteer Gifts Team!

Q: What is visually stimulating, sticky, and something Apogaean’s can’t wait to get their hands on?

A: Your ART! (all over our stickers)

Yes, we want it… so stick it to us now.

Our gift sticker will be handed out at the gate for Apogaea 2013 “Alchemy”

The dimensions of the sticker can be either a 3″ square or a 3 1/2″ x 2″ rectangle.
Stickers may be printed in full color.

Here is a copy of last years winning sticker design. We actually printed all 3 variations of this that were submitted.

FireApogaea Sticker2012-apoelecwater

So you ask… What does the winning artist get?

Recognition in the form of an announcement thanking you for your winning design!
The opportunity to see your art proudly stickered on all sorts of personal effects, as an identifying marker of Apogaeans everywhere!

We will eagerly accept sticker design applications through Saturday April 13th, 2013.

The winner will be picked by Team Ignition and announced at the April 21st board meeting.

Submit your designs and questions to [email protected]