7 board members, all 4 officers, 10 Ignition members, and 5 community members were in attendance.
Ticket sales
- Presale codes have been sent out and 30 Ignition tickets have been sold. There were 26 applications for low-income tickets and 6 for teen tickets so far.
- You will get a ticket in the mail from brown paper tickets and that will be exchanged for an art ticket at the gate. Your name must be on the list to get in. Important note: when checking out on Brown paper tickets, Apo gets their money faster if you use Google checkout. Please use this option if you can!
- There will be free “tickets” for work weekend and only approved people will be able to purchase.
- We are trying to get cloth wrist bands for this year, there is a donation page on the website: wristband fund drive.
- Luki is hosting a ticket-buying party in Ft. Collins and Shutterbug is hosting a ticket-buying party in Denver. Get in touch with these two if you need internet access to buy your ticket. People are throwing parties to buy tickets for our party! How cool is that? Oh, and in case you missed it somehow, tickets go on sale Tuesday, March 20th at 7:00 PM!!
Parking *Please, please, please carpool*
We have been given more space to use on the property by the landowner but parking WILL be an issue. Some ideas for parking include use of a meadow that was unavailable last year, charging for parking on site to encourage carpooling, and the use of a shuttle van to get people from a lower parking lot to the event.
Officer Reports
Guy (VP) made contact with all BM and territorial ambassadors to tell them he is the official board liaison and asked them if there’s anything they want to do. BM regional reps may help with the logistics of the Ignition retreat. Luki is hosting a ticket-buying party in Fort Collins (see above).
Shutterbug (treasurer) – art grant checks are going out and artists need to turn in their W-9 forms. We are currently over budget (158% of budget) because there were insurance and legal fees higher than expected and many things have come in over budget lately. The board will be extra aware of where the money is going to make sure they stay within the budget.
At our current rate of growth, we can only use the new location for one more year after this so the land search and the idea of Apogaea buying their own land are topics important for discussion. (Ian Bates was recently ratified as our new land search lead.)
The land contract is signed! The event permit has been applied for and should come back any day! Insurance is set! Onward and upward!
BAMF wellness center proposed
BAMF would like to offer a wellness center this year. They plan to provide massages, a rehydration station, and more. Aria would be wellness center lead and would recruit volunteers and screen therapists to make sure they are qualified. The board thought this was a great idea but was concerned about the legal issues since this service would be offered by Apogaea BAMF, not a theme camp. The board will continue to discuss this idea through the mission control email list and Aria will be included in the discussion.
2nd round Art grants
The art grant committee had a little over $2000 to award, and there were requests for ~$6000. 21 applications were received and the top 10-11 grants were funded. Congratulations to all those who received art grants! Read about the projects
Center Camp
Amelia submitted a detailed, multi-tiered budget. A large burn barrel is being donated and Amelia’s proposal includes an expansion from the tent to surround the burn barrel, playatech furniture, and walls that can be made into art. She would also like to include theme camp flags, hanging artwork, lighting, and electrical for night time performances. The board wants to support Center Camp but was not prepared to make a full decision on how much money they could spend. Cyn offered to move $200 from BAMF funds to Center Camp so the board gave Amelia $200 to get started and will re-evaluate in 2 weeks.
Ishe (representing sound) and Michael (representing quiet) are working together to create and enforce sound policies this year. There will be a mandatory sound meeting for all sound camps to go over rules. Quiet hours will be 4AM-12 noon. There are two large 24 hour sound camps which are allowed to play if they have enough people there (a minimum percentage of the Apo community). This has not changed from last year. There will be a sound town hall for input from the community regarding sound policy – if you have an opinion about sound, look for this event coming soon!
Quartermaster’s Report
There is no room in the current storage unit for the effigy in case of a burn ban. We do have a bunch of propane gear (hoses and valves) in case we need to use propane instead of open flame in burn barrels, etc. Quartermaster Dave will get everything together in case of a burn ban but wait to buy propane. Q Dave requested and was given $50 for propane gear and $100 for storage tubs for Center camp stuff.
Apogaea is looking to buy a semi trailer for year round storage. Uncle Dave has requested a donation or discount purchase of a retired FedEx trailer. If this doesn’t work out, Michael can get a trailer at auction for $1500-2000. Several people are going to follow up with this.
New Ignition leads
Jon Douglas Norton – daily parking lead
Charlie Puma – daily parking lead
TR – BAMF daily lead in charge of infrastructure
Art grant committee members: Rachel Cain, Jersey Miranda and Michael Moss.
Ranger Daily Khaki leads: Ronica Roth, Duney Dan, Kimberly Clinton, Trevor Stone,
Cat Herder: Deb Pika. Deb will be in charge of coordinating volunteers at the event and making sure “floaters” are assigned to the area where they are most needed.
The board discussed whether there should be multiple levels of Ignition leads. Maybe Ignition members who have others reporting to them should be separate from Ignition members that just do a lot of work but don’t have a “lead” position? The board agreed to table the discussion of different levels of Ignition members until after the event this year at which time it will be revisited.
The current Volunteer Swag Lead was removed from Ignition for failing to meet deadlines. The board hates to remove volunteers, people who just want to help, but it’s also important to get things done. Apogaea is now looking for a new swag lead.
The board and Ignition retreat will be held on May 5 – 6. The retreat will include the board only on Friday night with Ignition joining in on Saturday morning. This is a no drug and alcohol event.
Bailey Chamber of Commerce
Apo will communicate with the Bailey chamber of commerce to let them know when tickets go on sale. The board agreed that it would be great if local Bailey people could attend the event.
Next Board Meeting
The board will start bimonthly conference calls on April 25th. The next board meeting is April 8th Fusion Factory. The board is aware that this is Easter Sunday but has decided to meet anyway.
That’s all for now, folks. If you haven’t done so yet, please sign up for our newsletter so I can keep you in the know about Apo. Flame on,
~Flaming Art