Why are you interested in being a part of the Apogaea Board of Directors/an Officer?
List any previous volunteer experience, including experiences with Burning Man or regional events:
List any accomplishments you have that exhibit strong leadership skills:
Can you commit to working through the completion of Apogaea?
Can you commit to attending at least one monthly meeting?
Can you commit to working at least two gate shifts at the event?
Can you commit to reading and providing input to online discussions?
Can you commit to keeping discussions and decisions of the board confidential?
This Board position and all Officer positions are one year. Please find details on job requirements below.
If you want to learn more about what the job is or can be, please ask
your favorite board member
or email —> [email protected]
Save the Date: The September 19 Board Meeting will include a meet n greet
for all interested applicants/nominees.
• Passion and ideas about creating a community and event centered on
the Burning Man principles.
• Business or event experience preferred.
• Varying backgrounds. It would be ideal to get individuals who come
from different backgrounds. Boards are most successful when they have
people who bring different things to the table, e.g. attorneys,
accountants, event organizers, insurance people, artists, computer
jocks, musicians.
• Ability to play well with others.
• 1 year terms. Must be able to commit to fulfill a full term in his/
her position.
• One meeting a month. More meetings as event approaches.
• Respond to board emails in a timely manner.
• At least two gate shifts during the event.
• Board members oversee numerous shift lead volunteers and support their successful contributions to the organization
• Further time as needed to fulfill duties and ensure a smooth and
fulfilling event.
• Board Members are distinct from officer positions. While it is preferable that the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are Board Members, it is not required and elections for these positions will be held at a future time.
These positions will be elected by the Board of Directors, as provided in the Apo Bylaws. Terms will begin immediately, with a mentoring period.
A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Corporation, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
B. The President shall have general supervision and direction over all other officers of the Corporation and shall see that their duties are properly performed.
C. The President shall execute, acknowledge and deliver in the name of the Corporation all deeds, certificates, contracts, or other instruments necessary in carrying on the affairs of the Corporation when he shall be so specifically authorized by vote of the Board of Directors. S/he shall also have the power to attach the seal of the Corporation to any instrument requiring such seal.
D. The President shall also perform such duties as may be assigned to her/him by the Board of Directors or by amendment to these By-Laws.
A. The Vice President shall, in absence of the President, be vested with all his powers and have authority to perform all his duties. S/he shall also act as an ex officio member on all standing and special committees of the Corporation.
A. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the records and proceedings of all meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors.
B. The Secretary shall have the custody and be charged with the safekeeping of all records, papers, documents, and books of the Corporation.
C. The Secretary shall serve notices required either by law or by the Bylaws of this Corporation.
D. The Secretary shall keep and maintain at all times a current list of the members of the Corporation, and such list when certified by the Secretary, shall be prima-facie evidence to the right of the persons named therein to participate in the affairs of the Corporation as members thereof.
A. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements of the Corporation on the books belonging to the Corporation and he shall deposit in such bank or banking institution as may from time to time be selected by the Board of Directors, all funds and moneys and other valuable effects of the Corporation in the name and to the credit fo the Corporation.
B. The Treasurer shall be the chief disbursing officer of the Corporation. He shall make proper vouchers and receipts for such disbursements and shall render to the Board of Directors at least annually and more often, if required, a complete and accurate account of such transactions.
C. The Treasurer shall keep the President advised of any expenditures to be incurred or funds to be provided, in order that the President may make arrangements of the consummation of such financial matters.
D. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may, from time to time, direct.
Contact [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you for your participation!