Apogaea 2009

In 2009:

  • Theme: Organized Chaos
  • Effigy: VolCano
  • Apogaea became a 501©3 non-profit
  • Population: 831
  • Ticket Price: $25 scholarship; $50 presale; $60 at gate
  • There were 19 grant applications in the first round and 14 in the second round, with requests totaling $20,885.
  • There were 32 granted recipients.
  • A total of $9,932 was granted to completed art projects
  • First year of “bonus round” art grants (smaller amount grants given later in the season for smaller projects.

Arts, Camps & Things

Note: all camps, art pieces, performance, and workshops with an asterisk * were recipients of grant funding for Apogaea 2009. Congratulations participants!


The Actuator

The Actuator will activate, animate, arouse, energize, and excite–so mobilize yer butt on over to warm it up. Premiering at APOGAEA 2009.

APOcalypyse NOW*

The Chameleons present APOcalypse NOW, an ever-changing experience that never looks the same way twice. As you enter, feed your thoughts to the Chameleon and then loose your mind at the Exit Eden bar. Ramble around and see if you can find your art once the changelings have had their way with your ideas. Get re-educated in the Heart of Darkness but don’t look back because by Saturday it’s all changed again into a new order that can only be attained by offering a sacrifice to the effigy fire. (Drummers meet Saturday noon to participate in the sacrifice procession.)

Bacon Explosion

Look for Boba and MissAlicious… and the smell of bacon!

Ballarium 4.2

The Ballarium 4.2 returns to APO once again, revealing the secrets behind quantum entanglement. Learn how to generate your own multiverse! Please bring your own pineal gland.

Body Canvas*

Ever wanna be a canvas? Stop by the Body Canvas during the day to be painted upon.

Bureau of Erotic Discourse

The Bureau of Erotic Discourse (B.E.D.) is coming to Apogaea. B.E.D. is a sex-positive group for preventing sexual misconduct and promoting sexual etiquette, communication and safety. If you’d like to volunteer, contact Éclair. At the event, look for people in B.E.D. garb and ask them about becoming a B.E.D. buddy!

The Chameleon*

This little lizard, an evolutionary apogee, has grown to massive proportions! This metal mascot sculpture represents the adaptive spirit of Camp Chameleon.

The Community Salvation Project

The Community Salvation Project is a Free-standing Art Piece of a cross, with a Game show spinning board to help you in selecting Community Saviors. Participants are encouraged to a hands on approach in an attempt to foster a rethinking of our feelings regarding our Sacred Cows in our community, and the World at large. This Piece is available for games such as Cruci-Kringle and Santavior, or you are encouraged to come up with your own Sacred Cow to sacrifice. The spinning Wheel will have spaces to enter your own Sacred Cow, in a random attempt to find true salvation. Also available for photo ops to show friends back home how much you suffered at Apogaea.

Conclave Flame Bar/ Wall & Conclave Performance*

Back again for another year, see the ever-evolving CO Fire Tribe’s Fire Conclave wow and amaze you with fantastic fire feats and new choreography. Get your burn on before the effigy burn!! If a burn ban is not in effect during the event, open fire jam time will be available, after the performance and before the effigy burn, for those not in the Conclave. Please check in with Sharyn before dark time Saturday of the event.

Flip Rig

The Flip Rig is made of a discarded trampoline frame, with a yoga strap attached. THE FLIP RIG ALLOWS YOU TO HANG UPSIDE DOWN LIKE A BAT! A relic from Rigged 2 Flip camp, BRC 2007, 2008, participants will have opportunity to stretch the spine for a free chiropractic-like spinal adjustment. Participants will also have an opportunity to tone with their voice and relax….while hanging upside down. Wear underwear….or not!

The Flouro Forest*

The Fluoro Forest is an enchanted space that wants you to play. It is an interactive network of microcontroller-driven UV LEDs which dynamically reveal an unseen world of pulsing rippling fluorescent beauty.

Golden Dara*

The Golden Dara, the symbol of human quest for wisdom and perfection, is an interactive multi-layered spinning mandala, inscribed with mystical alchemical and geometrical symbols. Please come with intention. That said, we want you to use and experience this mandala as a form of meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge, primarily the kind that resides within each of us, and come away with a resolution or clarity concerning the intention that was set before your experience with Golden Dara.

Happy Face in LED*

A silent LED happy face display to enjoy from either close or far.


This will be a kaliedoscope that will use the sun (indirectly) for a light source during the day. I would like to pull the “color wheel” for night-time viewing of the stars, or I may artificially light up the color wheel for night time viewing with LEDs or possibly a fire torch.

Land of Make Believe*

Come to The Land of Make Believe where you can be anything you want. Come and select from a large variety of materials to make a costume you can keep and take home. We’ll supply you with everything you need, just bring a smile and your imagination. We’ll have creative technician on staff at all times to help the younger ones and those lacking creative vision.Open to people of all ages. 12pm- dusk, thrs-sun, or until materials run out.


Liquidity Ahhhhhh! Liquid refreshment! If only there was a way to have non-boring water! Check it out, there is! Thanks to the Domestic Scientists Pony and Ms.Terious, you can enjoy hot and cold beverages that will bring the joy back to drinking. Don t think we have left out you Alcoholics! Yes, we will provide both non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages infused with exotic fruits, vegitables and herbs. Drink up! Enjoy.


The Purple Palace Camp presents the Poofer! Nighly our camp will be shooting 20-ft bursts of flames into the air. With lights, music, lasers, and a great group of people. We will warm you up and keep you eyes happy with clouds and bursts of flame and sound.

Shady Acre

A retirement home for myself, and the old-at-heart. Games will be played daily. Stories about the good-ol-days will be told repeatedly. Children will be shoo’d off the lawn.

Sitting Man*

Sitting Man relaxes and looks out over Apogaea.

To Cornhole or Not to Cornhole

Cornhole is similar to horseshoes. Contestants toss corn bags at the cornhole until player scores 21 points.

Tunnel Transformed*

It will be the bionic fire cauldron–we can build it BETTER and STRONGER…and we WILL! Under the guidance of its creator Charlie Smith, we will forge a new and improved Tunnel of Transformation…in Charlie’s words, “We’re gonna doll it up!” Burning slightly bigger and much much brighter to warm your spirits and yo ass! PREMIERING at APOGAEA 2009.


The Effigy for 2009’s Burn


APOcalypse NOW

The Chameleons present the APOcalypseNOW. Give a little of yourself to the Chameleons and you’ll get a lot in return. But hurry before the APOcalypse devours us all. Feed your secrets to the chameleon and be bathed in the fire of change. You’ll come out the other side with at least one more experience that you came in with. (Results may vary.) Visit the Exit Eden bar before the new order plunges it into the Heart of Darkness. Bring drums Saturday to help us make our offering to appease the volcano.

Body Magic Aka Cuddle Contact Camp

Contact Improvisation workshops, labs, and performances with Susan Coates, Beth Erlander, Lindsay Sworski, and Victor Warring. Contact Improvisation is a movement art form that involves shared weight between two or more bodies moving through space, connecting through a point of contact. Come to a workshop to learn technical skills, come to a jam and play, come to nourish yourself, come to a performance and witness. Find your own body magic through Contact Improvisation, and connect in your community. No experience required. Children, elders, and all abilities welcome. See www.contactimprov.net for more information on Contact Improvisation worldwide.

Camp Chaos (goes Capricious)

We’ve always been known as Camp Chaos…only the word “Capricious” may fit us better this year. Capricious comes from the word “Caprine” or “caper” – Latin…for “goat.” We will have technicolor babies to cuddle and love while you learn the hands-on, delightful and health-and-environmentally conscious way of raising goats for milk, meat and fiber. Milking times will be 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Anyone that shows gets to take some raw milk back to their own camp to share! We’ll provide information on cheesemaking as well as a chance to card and spin some of our lovely cashmere and mohair fiber.

The Cuddle Cavern

The Cuddle Cavern is a safe space for exploring new kinds of group experiences. It is a container for us to find ourselves and each other through play, laughter, touch and dance. Here we share through forms such as Laughter Yoga, Contact Improvisation, Monkey Chant, and Cuddle Parties. Come play! Located at Body Magic.


YEEEHAW!!! Camp NASCAR is back for one final hoo-rah! You might remember us from such festivals as Apogaea in Dreamtime. We’ll have everything a trailer park would want-spam hores-d-ouvers, a Ms. Cameltoe, the Whiskey Tango 500 (a foot race), games & best of all, music to slowly stroke thee!! Come on over now, ya hear!??

The Carnival Cafe*

More tricks than a clowns pocket. An Oasis by day with free espresso and coffee. Also will be carnival games in the day and it will then explode into a most unusual carnival by night where you just may laugh until you cry! Two DJs from the East Coast being flown in and MANY local DJs and live artists.

Demon Funkies Ramble Rage*

At the Main Stage. Hosted by Denver’s Demon Funkies, this is a place to shake your booty and toot your horn. Live music set up, instruments, and PA, come join the jam!

Energy Riders

Yarr! Energy Riders are techno pirates. We will play music for you if you dance.


An Enigma is something mysterious or inexplicable, or a riddle. We will be providing the sights and sounds of the unknown, an experience we like to call “Enigma”. Featuring the Dub Committee and the Denver Tribe.

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit is a communal place derived from a single question “What is your greatest temptation?” and it’s many responses “Massage” , “Chocolates” , ” A place to put my art during Apo” – Well, Ok Then… Forbidden Fruit has genetically mutated Burning Man’s Center Camp with Costco to develop a place where individuals can bring something to share with the community, stand up on a “SOAP Box” and read your favorite poem or ask the community to fulfill your greatest temptation(s). Come and sink your teeth into my Forbidden Fruit. So far… individuals are sharing body painting, pillows and hammock for relaxation, a massage table, THE BOARD OF TEMPTATION, and a manicure station. What will you bring or be ready to temp? FF is a day camp with no personal camping, no website or Face Book page. Just come and join our community.
9:00 am & 7:30 pm Rraine’ing Lamps at Apo…lots of silliness, noise, mayhem and super heroes. BYOC bring your own costume. Thursday night is Christmas theme, Friday is Ninja and Saturday is Superhero. Contact MissAlicious or Cyn. Sign up at FF

Hangover Relief

Join us at Hangover Relief Camp every morning as we wake up and make scrumptious scientifically proven remedies for your hangover. Remedies include, but are not limited to Bacon, items stuffed and encrusted with Bacon, Bloody Marys with Bacon, Hair of the Dog, juice, Freshly made biscuits, and a medicine cabinet of vitamins and minerals and items to sooth your stomach. Opening time is based on the severity of OUR hangover, so you could get us early morning, but no later than early afternoon. Come and chill in the sun, or shade or sleep it off in one of our hammocks. Hangover Relief Camp is brought to you by Psylens and Zoya, and we encourage you to Drink Responsively!

The Hidden Garden of Groove

Basscouch brings HiFi sound, along with the rest of the living room. You just might find your self there.
Come to The Land of Make Believe where you can be anything you want. Come and select from a large variety of materials to make a costume you can keep and take home. We’ll supply you with everything you need, just bring a smile and your imagination. We’ll have creative technician on staff at all times to help the younger ones and those lacking creative vision. Open to people of all ages. 12pm- dusk, thrs-sun, or until materials run out.
Dome Sauna – Relax in the steam with us at the Hidden Garden of Groove.

Jagged Couch

Watch out or you might get poked in the tush …err… ear! Basscouch and Jagged Sound will be combining rigs for your audio pleasure brought to you by JaggedCouch.

Lair of the TWRG

The courage of the water drop is to dare falling into the desert of the blue people. With freedom of soul & body, we navigate the celestial abyss. Reaching to the heavens, the chromakey tree is our place of gathering. One view through our sky glass yields reveals cryptic divinations of the cosmos. We are the riders of the night, and the rhythms of our passing echo through your dreams. Nothing is true. Everything is permissible. We are the pirates of hospitality, not plunder. The difference between a garden and the barren is not water but us. What we wish best for ourselves, we also wish for you.

Lookout Lounge

The Lookout Lounge offers a comfortable space to chill. Enjoy sangria 8 pm ’till 12 am every night. The lounge space is 16′ x 16′ and can accomodate 10 – 15 guests for your workshop. If you are interested in using our space for your workshop, contact Eric. ADORN YOURSELF! Stop by the Lookout Lounge for a Woodland Crown workshop! Learn how to weave a crown or lei out of wild flowers, twigs, pine needles and other beautiful treasures to wear on your head or around your neck. Space and materials are limited so you should stop by and sign up or email Eric in advance. The Lookout Lounge will also be serving sangria throughout the weekend!

Metal Camp

We don’t want no stinkin’ techno. Bring the metal and thrash it up! We’re hard core and don’t want no pussy willows.

Mischief YO! Camp

Come get medieival with Mischief YO’ Camp this year at A to the P to the O…YO! Yo G’s, you need to slow yo’ roll and get down with the 411. We got the real live shit from front to back so tell all yo’ homies where the mischief’s at.
Friday – 2-4 (ish): Oh how we love it when you fire it up, sittin’ back in the cut, gettin’ real funkied up. Get funkdafied with the Gangsta Rap Coloring Shack. We be kickin’ it ol’ skool with your 80’s & 90’s favorite gangsta rap tunage by Body Count, Eazy-E, Schoolly D, Public Enemy, 2 Live Crew, Notorious B.I.G., Da Brat and oh…so much more! Color in your favorite Gangsta Rap star to take back to the crib witcha and enjoy some ice cold Barley Pops. Donations will never be back flipped. Werd.
Saturday 1-4 (ish): Yo, check it. Pink `Mischief’ Poker is throwin down. Come rap with Swap Meet Louie and trade in yo barley pops for the hottest poker chips in the hood. Kleatus and Psylens will be spinnin tha cheese with their poker skills and dirty jive. And if they don’t charm the pants off of you, our bartender, `Tinkle’ will.
Anytime: We are blowin UP fo’ sho’. Bring a t-shirt and stencil “Mischief, YO!” Camp” on it . Sure to impress the parents. We will be breakin it down with the paint and stencil, you just need to bug out on that T! Or just marshmallow yo ass on over, roll that flour an sift that dough. Our crew is sure to bring a big smile to that grill!
In addition to all of the mischief and fun we will bring to Apogaea, the campers of Mischief YO! camp are carrying on the ideals of Mischief Camp- founded by the wonderful late Timber Kirwan

Mr. Science’s Toys

Telescopes, lasers, glow in the dark badminton, and the Black Rock City Jewelry store.


Camp Ogallala is a water themed chill camp for “OLD” peeps.

Point B

“Point B” is in reference to The “…from point A, to point B…” quote, a final destination for “Rambling” wanderers to travel to.

Purple Palace Camp

A Relaxing place day or night to listen to chillin, rocking, and dancin type music. Water misters keep you cool during the day and 20 ft. flames keep you warm at night. Join us Saturday Morning for our Reggae Pancake and Bacon Breakfast it starts at 9:30am till the food is gone… We are hosting the Poofer!

Recycle/Compost TOWN with Karmic Temple*

Recycle Town: Chill space to drop your recyling & compost, volunteer for green team shifts or Temple Crew, add to and decorate the temple, participate in Green Art and warm up in our Green bus. All are welcome to camp with us too with Karma’s approval. Karmalicious, [email protected], 303-358-6935.

Space Monkey Mafia

The Multimedia Dome, check us at 420. The Lifeforce Speakeasy – opens at dusk, byob and goth/ind. all night long. The Wedding Chapel of St. Mary Jane – you’ve found each other and now you want to get hitched Apo style (with a goth twist!) Just let us know you want to be hitched and the Chapel will appear!

Tree Leaves Body Painting Station

Come paint yourself or if the artist is around, be painted by Leaf in an assortment of colors, designs, or themes.


XPAT ALIENS’ eighty-foot-long space ship will be touching the crust once again at Apogaea 2009. Bring your cups for a taste of Intergalactic Excellence, as you plant your happy ass on our alien green, cushy benches. The circular, LED illuminated bar, complete with contraptions for your swinging, dancing, gyrating or simply spectating pleasures. The Crop Circle Cantina will be serving tasty libations and spacy grooves at odd hours throughout the day and night, so make sure to look for the all-seeing eye and cross the threshold into Xtraordinary delight. The Xpat Alien sound/theme camp is out of this world!


2nd Annual Hoop it Forward Hoop Decoration Workshop *

Hoop-It-Forward invites you to our Second Annual Hoop Decoration Workshop and Hoop Party! Hooping was a big hit last year (all vehicles leaving Apogaea had a hoop strapped to the roof!)! We will supply blank hoops and tape; you provide swiveling hips and smiles! Hoop ambassadors will provide expert assistance in hoop construction, hoop selection, decoration, and proper hooping techniques! Build your hoop and bring it home so you can Hoop it Forward! We will have a hooping party afterwards! (If you built a hoop last year, bring it and hoop with us!)

Body Magic in Motion*

Contact Improvisation workshops, labs, and performances with Susan Coates, Beth Erlander, Lindsay Sworski, and Victor Warring. Contact Improvisation is a movement art form that involves shared weight between two or more bodies moving through space, connecting through a point of contact. Come to a workshop to learn technical skills, come to a jam and play, come to nourish yourself, come to a performance and witness. Find your own body magic through Contact Improvisation, and connect in your community. No experience required. Children, elders, and all abilities welcome. See www.contactimprov.net for more information on Contact Improvisation worldwide.

Conclave Performance*

Back again for another year, see the ever-evolving CO Fire Tribe’s Fire Conclave wow and amaze you with fantastic fire feats and new choreography. Get your burn on before the effigy burn!! If a burn ban is not in effect during the event, open fire jam time will be available, after the performance and before the effigy burn, for those not in the Conclave. Please check in with Sharyn before dark time Saturday of the event.

Trading Faces

This is a two-day workshop. Friday afternoon we take your headshot, make a life-size print and you make a mask. We hold your face in the Box O’ Faces. Saturday afternoon y’all come by and do a nude or costumed photo shoot with a new face. Please, pick faces that don’t match your body. We’ll send you digital copies of the final photos, plus you can run around the burn with your mask on. You’re always wearing that stupid human mask anyway, so why not switch it up!

Woodland Crown Workshop

ADORN YOURSELF! Stop by the Lookout Lounge for a Woodland Crown workshop! Learn how to weave a crown or lei out of wild flowers, twigs, pine needles and other beautiful treasures to wear on your head or around your neck. Space and materials are limited so you should stop by and sign up or email Eric in advance. The Lookout Lounge will also be serving sangria throughout the weekend!


amoebaFunk: LIVE

Following the Burn Saturday night, deep in the Lair of the TWRG. Bring Your Own Pineal Gland.