
Apogaea 2023: FAST Inspection Volunteers Needed!

Going to Apogaea?  Are you interested in assisting fire art & performance inspections?  You’re in luck!  The Apogaea FAST (Fire Art Safety Team) is looking for volunteers to assist with inspections at the event.  Interested folx should email [email protected] describing their fire art & safety background (if any-  we request some experience with propane art but this isn’t necessarily a requirement).  Then we will send them a code to sign up for the shifts.  Thursday & Friday shifts are available!

A Fire Art Safety Team (FAST) tag is a requirement for operation of all fire art at Apo.

The FAST team conducts safety inspections for all registered fire art, in accordance with our published guidelines.

FAST inspections are done in cooperation with the local fire district staff.

The Fire Art Research Team (FART) helps registered artists prepare for their safety inspection. FART will troubleshoot issues with artists, normally prior to formal inspections.

Our goal is approve everyone’s art and we work with artists to help improve the safety of their art.

You must have code to sign up for FAST and FART shifts.

Please email [email protected] to request a code if you would like to be on the team. Please include your relevant fire safety experience.

Propane/plumbing experience is appreciated.