Hello beautiful people! As the big wheel begins to turn we are all pointed in the same direction. Rolling onward to Apogaea 2022, Portals! One of our biggest obstacles on the road is the health concerns brought forth by Covid-19. This is an ever-evolving subject and our team needs to make sure we comply will all local, state, and federal regulations. Using the 10 Principles as a guideline the Apogaea Board of Directors voted on a process that we believe best protects our community and exceeds the local mandates for outdoor events in Las Animas County. As of January 19th the official Apogaea health screen process is:
Any participant with a ticket that tests negative against the Covid-19 Virus will be admitted to the event.
# 10 Immediacy – We are facing this issue head on, far ahead of the event, developing a plan to keep our community safe.
# 7 Civic Responsibility – The welfare of our community is our highest priority. Individually we can all do our part so together we can thrive!
# 6 Communal Effort – This year we will face challenges unlike any Apogaea in the past. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help evolve these ideas and goals into success send us an email! [email protected]
# 1/ # 5 Radical Inclusion/Self Expression– We want a SAFE space for ALL community members to express themselves.
The plan is currently in the development stage and The following are items we have taken action on.
1. We have created a Covid Task Force Ignition Department.
2. We have ratified a lead for this department.
3. We have begun talks with vendors to provide and administer the tests.
# 4 Radical Self Reliance – Participants will not be expected to fend for themselves in regards to testing, we plan to have off site testing stations set up in order to streamline the entry process at gate. We will be also providing on site testing, however we want to encourage everyone to get tested off site and make it easier on our gate volunteers! But yes, if you’re that one burner that didn’t do the thing we will have you covered. 💚