BIG MONEY grant round closed
The Big Money art grant round is now officially closed and CATS has received a total of 43 grant applications for over $155,000 in requested funds! With just $45,000 in grants available for this round, we know we won’t be able to make all of your artistic dreams come true, but we are excited to help fund as much BIG art as possible for Apogaea 2017!
Artists, we’ve entered the Q&A round currently, followed by scoring, so keep an eye on your email for info about the next steps in the process.
We’ll be announcing the winners of Big Money grants in late February.
Coming up next… SEED MONEY grant round
For those of you who may have missed this round, or have a smaller artistic endeavor in mind for this year, keep an eye out for the Seed Money grant round that will be opening on February 28th. The Seed Money round will fund projects up to $599 and is available for all sorts of projects who need just a little bit of support to come to fruition. Details and reminders to come as we get closer.
Thanks again to the wonderful artists of Apogaea for all of their submissions. We’re excited to see all of the Art of Apogaea this year!