
Upcoming Apo Ranger Trainings

ApoRangers Howdy Apogaeans!!


Do you love the event?


Do you love helping people?


Are you one of those folks who your friends (or even complete strangers) always go to, to tell their life stories, seek advice, or lean on for support?


Sounds like you’re a RANGER!!


Come be a part of a fun tribe of folks who give back to the event through service from the heart. As a Ranger, you make people’s day (and event) go better- what could be more awesome than that!?


First steps to becoming an Apogaea Ranger, is to attend one of 2 trainings held this spring (the first one is coming up quick!).


Here are the details:


First training is March 19th, 10am- 5pm in BOULDER.
(CA Technologies (formerly Rally Dev), 3333 Walnut St, Boulder, 89301).


Second training will be April 9th, 10am- 5pm in DENVER.
(CADA, 290 E Speer, Denver, 80203).


As a reminder, ALL Apo Rangers must be trained every year, in order to be eligible to ranger at the event. (The only exceptions are 3+ year Black Rock Rangers, who also rangered on Playa the year previous). Once you have attended training, you will be able to sign up for shifts once the Volunteer Database goes active, and also will become eligible for ticket assistance through the Rangers.


****If you live in the Front Range and cannot attend either one of these training sessions, please send an email to [email protected] *****


OUT OF STATE RANGERS- we know you are out there! Please also send us an email to let us know you’d like to come to Apo this year, and we’ll let you know the details for your training session and check in with you about your event needs.


Much love! We can’t wait to see your shining faces at training this year!


Questions? Comments? Send them to [email protected]