Original photo by raider of gin, shared per common creative license
High-Quality Images Needed for Pictorial History of Apogaea
CATS (Creative Art Team Support) has an exciting project in the works! As many of you know, our art grant budget this year is extremely limited as we generally get it from last year’s ticket sales. In an attempt to raise money for art at Apogaea 2016, we will be producing a limited edition coffee table book all about the art and history of Apo!
We are currently looking for high-quality photographs of Apogaea past: art, camps, scenery, etc. Ideally these would be professional photographs, and the photographer will be credited. Please reach out to your community photographers and let them know!
Where to Submit
Please email submissions to [email protected], or share on Google Drive if the file size is too large.
Creative Art Grants
Learn more about the Creative Art Grant process for 2015 here.