Apogaea’s Board of Directors has updated the way it ratifies key organizational volunteers, or Ignition members, and how it handles event ticketing for these integral positions.
As you may know, Apogaea is a 100 percent volunteer-run organization, and it qualifies certain volunteers as members of Ignition. Ignition members have voting rights on board issues and include the Board of Directors, department leads, Assistant Leads, Rangers, BAMF, plus year-round volunteers, including communications, creative grant committee members and more. Typically, these key volunteers are guaranteed tickets to Apogaea and in the past they have received discounted tickets.
The implications of these volunteer benefits are two-fold:
Reduced Ticket Availability for the General Population
In 2015, there were 816 requests for guaranteed and/or discounted Ignition tickets for a population of 2,300 people. Seeing this number as a potential burden to ticket availability, the 2016 board has decided to require all Ignition members to re-apply for their positions. Apogaea President Sharon Duran said the process isn’t meant to exclude anyone – but rather to ensure Ignition members were still active in the event.
Potentially Reducing the Financial Viability of Apogaea
Providing discounts to certain types of volunteers has been strongly supported by certain departments, especially medical and fire because these individuals work long, unpaid shifts to protect the safety of the event. But discount ticket availability to more than 800 participants reduces the income of the organization, which is funded by ticket sales.
Duran said she understands some departments may depend on ticket discounts to fully staff their needs.
Flat-Rate, $100 Tickets Proposed
Duran said the board would also like to establish a flat rate for all tickets, board members included.
“We’d like to set a prices of $100 for everyone across the board,” she said. “The impact of scarcity has really been a burden in the last couple of years and has fed into the feeling that you had to know someone or volunteer to get a ticket. While we encourage volunteerism and inclusion at every level and it is a participatory culture, those that can’t participate as fully as others can shouldn’t be denied the chance to get a ticket.”
She said Department Leads and theme camps can still get guaranteed tickets to ensure they can fill their departments and build their camps.
The Apogaea Board of Directors Wants to Hear from You!
“The goal is to put us in a financially viable situation for 2017 – and it’s important to know we are only talking about a temporary hold on ticket discounts,” Duran said. “We want to know how it will affect volunteering. How do we balance financial needs as well as encourage participation, especially in certain departments that have a hard time garnering support?”
Under the proposed system, Ignition members would be guaranteed a ticket, plus be given an opportunity to purchase a second ticket for someone who would be required to volunteer in any department. Duran said it’s the board’s intention to limit Ignition members to around 100 people. The proposal to suspend all ticket discounts for volunteers in 2016 requires feedback and she said the board needs to hear from the community on this because these proposals are not set in stone.
“There are brilliant people out there, so if someone could help calculate if we were to give Ignition discounts, how would it affect the 2017 bottom line, especially if we had a drop in regular sales?” she said.
Anyone wishing to apply, or re-apply, for an Ignition position is strongly encouraged to do so! Apogaea always needs help. Apply here.
You are strongly encouraged to participate, which means we want to hear from you on these issues!
Please email [email protected] to submit your feedback today!
For more updates on Apogaea news, visit the news blog.
You’re also welcome to attend a Town Hall meeting on Dec. 5, 2015.