Yesterday the board held a meet and greet with two of the three candidates(picture above may or may not be one of said candidates). The board also voted to extend the nomination period and change the election dates to allow for more candidates to submit their nominations.
The call for candidates was delayed getting to some members of our community and word reached the board that several other candidates were interested. We currently have three candidates: Stefani Nemmers, David (Caution) Pierce, and Tina Siegfried. Stefani & Caution attended the Meet & Greet today. So we voted to extend the nomination period to allow for more candidates.
The three current candidates have submitted their responses to the questions on the Call for Canidates page: Their submissions and other Q&A discussions are being held on the [email protected] discussion group. Anyone can view the discussion and join it at
You can also see the candidate bios as they come in here:
Nominations have been extended to Friday July 24th at midnight.
The vote for the three 3 year positions on the board vote will take place on-line from July 25th until August 8th at midnight.
The next board meeting will be August 9th at 1PM at the Fusion Factory.
So the community will have the opportunity to meet the new board at that board meeting. In addition, the new board may be appointing members into the two vacant positions at that time.