Dear Colorado Burners and Citizens of Apogaea,
On behalf of Burning Man, the Regional Network Committee, and the Burning Man Regional Network, I want to extend our love and complete support to this year’s planning team, board, regional contacts, and the entire community affected by the cancellation of this year’s Apogaea.
I was personally in touch with a number of you and we know the great efforts this year’s team and leadership took with the permit process, landowner and neighbor discussions, and in trying to find a suitable new location. We respect that the decision to ultimately cancel Apogaea was made with public safety and well-being in mind; and we encourage the community to work together to support one another. At times like this we have an opportunity to really shine as people. It may not seem that way at first, but a moment like this is a moment to take pause and to be grateful for the incredible community and experiences we share and create together. This is a time to ask how to make lemonade from lemons and to shine brightly in the face of adversity. We are no strangers to adversity as a community and have found sometimes we must regroup so that the right conditions exist for our community to gather to do extraordinary things together; and we know that Apogaea 2016 will be all the more marvelous and meaningful as a result!
This experience may actually have a positive effect in redirecting some of the energy of citizens of Apogaea toward daily life and year-round cities in Colorado and nearby. All the art that was funded for this year’s event and the efforts of every person who looked forward to creating Apogaea together will and must “spill over” into the rest of the year in inspiring and positive ways. We understand that there are already several smaller community gatherings emerging to address the community’s desire to be together. We encourage each of these gatherings be organized responsibly to provide a safe space for members of the community to express themselves. Moving forward, your extended family at Burning Man looks forward to how we can be supportive in helping Apogaea find a new home and rise all the more gloriously in 2016!
In the meantime, be good and kind and marvelous toward one another and bring what you love about Apo into daily life as best you can. We are all caretakers of our shared culture and you inspire us deeply to continue our work in the world together.
You are all in our burning hearts and minds!
Sincerely, a proud and eternal citizen of Apogaea,
$teven Ra$pa
Regional Network Committee
Burning Man