*UPDATED DEADLINES* (for full registration info, please click here)
Registration for the WWWW and Center Camp performances and workshops are available at http://registration.apogaea. com – please sign-up for an account, activate your account, sign-in and click on WWWW Entries (then Add new) or click on Center Camp Events (then Add new).
For more details about WWWW – Who What When Where see https://apogaea.com/the-event/ whowhatwhenwhere/.
For more details about Center Camp performances and workshops see https://apogaea.com/get- involved/performance-art- workshops/.
The deadlines for Center Camp requests is May 20th and WWWW entries is May 24th.
If creating a WWWW entry related to a theme camp or art project it is best that the person who registered the camp or project be the one to create the entry.Other registrations available at the registration site above:
- Registration for theme camps, art, art cars(considered ONLY stationary art on the current land), sound and other projects and special needs. (see https://apogaea.com/get-involved/theme-and-sound-camps/ for more info on theme camps and sound camps)The registration deadline for camp or project placement on the map is May 14th at 11:59 pm. or whenever Registration wakes up on the 15th sharp.
- Vehicle permits for those with camping or project infrastructure vehicles (see https://apogaea.com/the-event/
venue/parking-camping/ for more details). Deadline for priority placement assistance (campers not already located within a theme camp) for your RV or Trailer is May 24th. Hillside and ditch placement assistance is available throughout the event.
- Work Weekend requests – must be made by project lead – Deadline is May 15th