Ludicrous Money Round is CLOSED (please check the Creative Grants page for details on the next round)
We have $30,000.00 to fund serious and ambitious art by issuing a small number of large grants to the most ambitious projects. It is nearly impossible to build massive projects taking months of work by large teams with sophisticated construction and interactions with a $500 grant. The Ludicrous Money Round is to help fund ideas and projects that are supposed to blow your mind. Sometimes that stuff costs more. Maybe we can help.
Before applying for a grant, read the grant pagefor the most current information like: what we do and do not fund, the different grant rounds, the deadlines, and all the fun fine print.
Ludicrous Money Round
Funds available: $30,000.00
Any grant amount from $0.01 – $30,000.00
Accept applications: October 5-21 @ 11:59pm (CLOSED for 2015)
CATS discussion, review, scoring: October 22 – November 14
Applicants informed of CATS recommendation: on or around November 15
Signed Grant Agreements due: November 21 @ 11:59pm
Finance Committee/Board of Directors Review: November 15-30
Disbursements begin on or around December 1
Any funds not granted are passed on to the Big Money Round
Effigy and Temple proposals are encouraged, but not required, to apply in this round in order to receive the most amount of funding available for your project
All grants over $1,500.00 will be paid in multiple installments based on the completion of pre-defined project milestones described in the grant agreement
All grant recipients receiving $600.00 or more must submit a W-9
As a part of the killer grant budget in the Ludicrous Money Round, we will be awarding grants for an Effigy and a Temple. If you feel that the Effigy or Temple is an important part of Apogaea, get your project idea and budget together and let Apogaea help you fund it!
Due to the likelihood of a burn ban, we encourage your proposal to be engaging, even during a burn ban. We are open to all ideas, especially those addressing Colorado’s climate and the event location in a creative way, including, but not limited to, propane art, smaller burnable structures, utilizing free beetle kill wood, art that breaks down to a small storage footprint, etc.