
The Monday After: Event Date Update


Wouldn’t you know it, Apogaea keeps getting bigger and bigger. Each year we have more people, bolder art, and bigger camps. Believe me, my internal creative grant spying… I mean investigation… suggests that this year will be no exception! However, those among us who really bring it to the event know it takes a lot of effort to get it all home. As the next step in responsible growth, the Board of Directors is focused on helping those community members get it all home safely.

The plan:

  1. Use the “Monday After” as an extended exodus for big art and camps. For most community members, Apogaea will wind down on Sunday just as it has in years past. We’ll still be turning off the music and putting away the burn barrels. However, this year, those folks who need a little more time to tear down epic infrastructure and mega art can register to stay on site until Monday.
  2. Also, volunteers who take on long, difficult Sunday shifts (holla out to parking!) will get an extra night of sleep and a little more time to get off the land.

Remember, this gift is only possible because our hard working emergency service volunteers are going the extra mile to support us; if you see them, hug them on sight!

I’ve been informed that those silly board members will be releasing details on how to sign up for extended exodus before this year’s registration opens. Stay tuned.

♥ Your loving Flaming Art

Arthur Flaming