
Become a Board Member – Submissions due August 11th

Do You love the Apogaea festival and have ideas to improve it?
Love this Colorado Burner community and have ideas to strengthen it?
Want an excuse to meet every month and plan a kick-ass
event? Then Apogaea wants YOU.

It’s your chance to join the Apogaea Board of Directors!

Board Elections For Apo 2014 TO APPLY

Please send an email with the information requested below to ignition@Apogaea DOT com by 11:59pm on August 10th.


  • Why are you interested in being a part of the Apogaea Board of Directors?
  • What is your initial vision for what you would like to accomplish on the board?
  • List any previous volunteer experience, including experiences with Burning Man or regional events:
  • List any accomplishments you have that exhibit strong leadership skills
  • Can you commit to working through the completion of Apogaea?
  • Can you commit to attending at least one monthly meeting?
  • Have you previously attended an Apogaea board meeting?
  • Can you commit to answering board related email in a timely fashion?
  • Can you commit to attending the entire festival and working multiple shifts during the festival? 


Saturday, August 10

  • Midnight: Election of new board members 

Sunday, August 11

  • Positions will be elected by the Board of Directors at the August board meeting on August 11th, 2013, as provided in the Apogaea Bylaws. Terms will begin immediately, with a mentoring period.

The Board of Directors is elected by “All member of the Corporation,” or Ignition and Board members from the 2013 term

The directors-elect will begin their service immediately in a 3 month mentor-ship role with outgoing board members. After the Board of Directors is elected, the Board will hold a separate election process for the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. More information on this election will be posted in August.

Each board member is limited to a term of three years, so make your time on the board count. Thanks for submitting your email today!

***To learn more about the Elections process, read ARTICLE VI of the Bylaws.***


A board term is 3 years.

QUESTIONS? If you want to learn more about what the job is or can be, please ask your favorite board member or email —> missioncontrol@ Apogaea DOT com

Please find details on job requirements below:

  • Passion and ideas about creating a community and event centered on the Burning Man principles.
  • Business or event experience preferred.
  • Varying backgrounds. It would be ideal to get individuals who come from different backgrounds. Boards are most successful when they have people who bring different things to the table, e.g. attorneys, accountants, event organizers, insurance people, artists, computer jocks, musicians.
  • Ability to play well with others.


  • 3 year term. Must be able to commit to fulfill a full term in his/her position.
  • One meeting a month. More meetings as event approaches
  • Respond to board emails in a timely manner
  • At least two gate shifts during the event (may require more)
  • Oversee numerous shift lead volunteers and support their successful contributions to the organization
  • Further time as needed to fulfill duties and ensure a smooth and fulfilling event.
  • Board Members are distinct from officer positions. While it is preferable that the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are Board Members, it is not required and elections for these positions will be held at a future time.
  • It is the board member’s duty to maintain the confidentiality of information gained through his or her position, regardless of obligations or loyalties to other organizations or individuals.  The board may engage in heated discussion in the course of decision-making. It would be inappropriate for a board member to gossip among the wider organization about “who said what” after the decision has been made or during the course of discussion.


  • Avoid tangents. Make sure your comments apply to the topic at hand.
  • Does your discussion need to take place at the meeting? If not, discuss later.
  • Remember Robert’s Rules of Order: Motion, Second, Discussion, Vote. Stay on the motion until it is resolved. Please raise your hand to speak, the President will give people the floor.
  • Be aware of who is speaking and who isn’t—are you dominating the conversations? Is someone else trying to speak but can’t get a word in?
  • No sidebars
  • Do not use computers to surf the Internet during the meeting
  • No micromanagement—do we need your input? Department leads are empowered to make their own recommendations, we don’t need Board input on every decision.
  • Do not reopen old issues. If we’ve voted on it, it has been decided. Only new information warrants reopening an issue.


  • Immediacy: Call people to resolve conflict (rather than emailing or posting)
  • Radical Inclusion:
  • Assume Best Motives
  • When in Doubt, Call
  • No Gossiping
  • Meet for Fun
  • Participate Fully
  • Leave No Trace–of your conflict


Contact missioncontrol@ Apogaea DOT com with any questions.

We look forward to learning more about you!

The Apogaea Board