What to do if you see a bear:
- Don’t panic, scream, or run away. A frightened bear is much more dangerous than a curious or confused bear. Do not corner the bear – try to make sure it has an escape route.
- Stay calm and talk in a normal tone of voice. You can wave your arms slowly over your head, but don’t make any sudden movements.
- Keep looking at the bear and slowly walk away.
- DO NOT TRY TO CHASE THE BEAR AWAY BY YOURSELF. Find someone with a radio (BAMF, Ranger, DPW, Board Member, Info. Booth) and tell them when and where you saw the bear. We know that many of you are experienced hikers, campers, and backpackers and you may have encountered bears before. However, this is a unique situation with a large population of people living outdoors for 4 days in close proximity to a specific animal. BAMF, Rangers, and DPW have specific information about THIS bear and we need to let them handle the situation.
- A bear standing up on its hind legs is just trying to get a better look and smell. This does not necessarily mean it is aggressive.
- If the bear ACTIVELY APPROACHES you, stand your ground, yell, and throw small rocks.
- In the unlikely event of an attack, fight back. Do not play dead.
This bear’s life is in great danger because of his close proximity to humans, and every bite of food he steals from us makes him more likely to approach humans in the future, bringing him a little closer to death by Division of Wildlife. Help protect your fellow Apogaeans and the wildlife of Colorado by securing your food and remaining calm.
More information about bears in Colorado