
Apogaea Volunteer Database is Alive!


The Apogaea volunteer database is alive, come claim your shifts! If you’re an long-time Apogaea volunteer or participating for the first time, here are a few useful things to know before diving in:

  • Apogaea happens because of volunteers! Participation is not just a great way to meet people, it’s also the reason we’re able to have the amazing event we do. Thank you for being part!
  • Volunteering does not guarantee you a ticket! Although we would love to bring everyone to Apogaea, there are a limited number of tickets available. Please be sure you have one before signing up for shifts.
  • The shift schedule you see today could change! Departments are still reporting in on their needs and the shifts schedules are changing on a regular basis. Most of all, there will be many more shifts opening up in the coming weeks.
  • If you had an account last year, you still have one this year. If you have trouble logging in, try resetting your password. If you’re not completely sure if you are using the same email address from last year, try registering with it. The system will only allow you to register if the email address is not in the system.

Whew! No that we’ve got that out of the way, visit the site and sign up for some shifts!


If you find bugs, have problems, or just want to send a comment, please contact:

>> [email protected]